Washington University Law Review
Student law journal published by Washington University School of Law, covering legal topics from both US and international perspectives. The site presents articles from around 2010 onwards.
Student law journal published by Washington University School of Law, covering legal topics from both US and international perspectives. The site presents articles from around 2010 onwards.
The American Legal Ethics Library has been developed by Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute, and is now under the editorial leadership of W. Bradley Wendel, Associate Professor of Law at Cornell. This digital library contains the US codes or rules setting standards for the professional conduct of lawyers and commentary on the law governing lawyers, organized on a state by state basis. Contributions are by both practising and academic lawyers.
Free online newsletter produced by the American Society of International Law. ASIL Insights publishes pieces highlighting developments in international law, aiming to inform decision-makers, the legal profession and the public by means of short articles. The current issue is available together with an archive going back to 1996. It is possible to register on the website for free email delivery or and RSS feed.
International Law in Brief is an online blog following and examining developments in international law. The blog is prepared by the Attorney-Editors of International Legal Materials, a core publication of The American Society of International Law. International Law in Brief contains analytical abstracts of significant documents including treaties, other international agreements, legislation, judicial decisions, reports and other documents with links to the full text.
Web pages for the American Journal of International Law, a scholarly journal published by the American Society of International Law. AJIL has been published quarterly since 1907. It features articles and editorials, notes and comment by preeminent scholars on developments in international law and international relations. The website provides selected articles in full, the table of contents from the latest issue, and an international law blog.
Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review is an exclusively online law journal. The Review's primary purpose is to examine the tensions created by advances in computing, telecommunications, biotechnology, multimedia, networking, information and other technologies. Founded in 1994, MTTLR was one of the first law journals to use interactive media to promote informed discourse about the interrelated legal, social, business, and public policy issues raised by emerging technologies. The website archive contains articles from volume 1 (Fall 1994 - Spring 1995) onwards.
Richmond Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) is an online American law review, published since April 1995 by students at the University of Richmond School of Law. The journal focuses on the impact that computer-related and other emerging technologies have on the law, in the USA and internationally. The website presents full-text papers from volume 1, issue 1 (April 1995) onwards in HTML and from 2003 onwards in PDF. Recent articles have looked at electronic discovery, use of laptops in law school classrooms and ethical considerations for legal blogs.
Web pages for a student law journal produced at the University of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The journal aims to provide information for the Maryland legal community, including sampling of recent court decisions and more substantial articles on the justice system, legal practice and court procedures of state and wider relevance. Articles, commentary and profiles are written by judges, professors, practitioners, and students. The website currently presents full-text issues from 1999 to 2004.
A web guide comprising structured compilations of links to international law resources on the Internet. The guide is developed by the American Society of International Law. Web resources are the major focus, but coverage includes other electronic formats, such as online services, as appropriate. Also, comparisons to printed resources are made as necessary, either to explain better the advantages or disadvantages of a particular electronic resource, or to indicate that certain types of information are not yet available in an electronic format.
Website for the Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law (ISSN 0892-4480) published twice a year by Florida State University College of Law. The journal publishes articles, essays, comments and book reviews considering a range of environmental topics relating to the state of Florida, Federal US and internationally. The site provides the full-text of articles from volume 10, no.1 (fall 1994) onwards in PDF. The site includes submission and subscription details and includes links to environmental law resources and Florida Government resources on the internet.