
Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University

Website of the Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, New York. The Center was established in 1978 and seeks to promote human rights education, training and interdisciplinary research. The site presents information about the Center, its staff, board and aims. Details are provided about academic programs, the visiting scholars program, research and conferences. The Centre has two capacity building programs: the Human Rights Advocates Program, which aims to prepare leaders from the Global South and marginalized communities in the U.S.

Criminal Defense Resource Center

The State Appellate Defender Office (SADO) in Michigan, US, represents convicted indigent felons on appeal in the State. The website offers many resources for criminal attorneys, some freely available, some reserved for paying users. The free items include summaries - and some full reports - of recent criminal court decisions in Michigan and the US Supreme Court; court rules; guidance and information for the public the criminal justice system in Michigan; and links to other relevant websites.

Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology

Website of the Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology at the School of Law, University of Washington in Seattle, US. The Center was established to provide leadership in teaching, research and policy analysis in the legal aspects of emerging technologies. In its website, the Center places an emphasis on the role of the consumer in the complex electronic marketplace, and focuses on telecommunications and other policy issues relating to the internet and e-commerce.

Business and Human Rights Resource Centre

This site is produced by Christopher Avery, an international lawyer educated in the USA. He has considerable experience of ethical business research and has worked for Amnesty International. He seeks responses from companies to allegations of misconduct: thus ensuring that coverage is balanced and encouraging companies to address concerns raised by civil society. The website covers over 4000 companies, over 180 countries. Topics include discrimination, environment, poverty, development, labour, access to medicines, health and safety, security, trade.

Physicians for Human Rights

Website of Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) the international organisation which mobilises health professions and promotes the right to health for all. The site has background and organisational information about PHR and details of their campaigning work in the following areas: Darfur survival; health action AIDS; health and justice for youth; campaign against torture and the campaign to ban landmines. There is also information on their International Forensic Program which uses medical and scientific methods to investigate and expose violations of human rights.

Human Rights in China

Website of the human rights advocacy organisation, Human Rights in China (HRIC), an international non-governmental organisation. Founded by Chinese scholars and scientists in 1989 and based in New York, HRIC works to promote a better knowledge and advocacy of human rights within the People's Republic of China. The site has information on HRIC's work covering legal reform, technology and human rights and ethical globalisation including articles, resources and news briefings.

American College of Legal Medicine

Web pages of the American College of Legal Medicine, a membership organisation concerned with the issues arising from the convergence of medicine and the law. The College provides educational courses, works to influence policy-making, promotes research and scholarship and facilitates communication between professionals. The site presents membership, background and organisational information. There are articles, an annotated list of related websites and guidelines for expert witnesses. Information on the College's publications is provided including contents pages and selected free articles.

Statutes of Gregory IX for the University of Paris, 1231

Web pages containing an English translation of the Statutes of Pope Gregory IX for the University of Paris, 1231, as published in English originally by the University of Pennsylvania Press, 1897, pp.7-11, and presented on the Internet by Paul Halsall. Gregory's Statutes concern the relations between the Chancellor of the University and the Bishop of Paris, the appointment of the Chancellor, the licensing of masters of theology, and the licensing of masters in medicine and arts.

Cases of the CISG

Database of more than 2000 cases and arbitration decisions brought under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG). The information is provided by Pace Institute of International Commercial Law at Pace University in the US. The database can be browsed by jurisdiction and there is also a search facility. A large amount of complementary information is also available, including the legislative history of the Convention; case law yearbooks; and scholarly commentary.

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