
New Zealand Law Librarians Association

The aim of the New Zealand Law Librarians Association (NZLLA) is to promote law librarianship by providing a national and regional focus for information specialists working in the legal sector. It encourages developments that will further improve the usefulness and efficiency of law libraries and fosters a spirit of cooperation among members of the group. The website provides information on the organisation, past and future conferences, special projects and articles written by NZLLA members. Copies of NZLLA's Principles of Professional Conduct can be downloaded from the site.

New Zealand Law Society

The website of the New Zealand Law Society (NZLS) provides information about the work of the organisation, including its committees and sections. Selected articles from "LawTalk" (the NZLS magazine) are available back to 2008. The site also includes other NZLS publications, information about practising law in New Zealand, general legal information for the public, news and other resources.

Maori Law Review

Website for Maori Law Review, a monthly periodical reporting law affecting Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand/Aotearoa. The Review covers decisions of the Maori Land Court and general courts, reports of the Waitangi Tribunal and publications of government and law schools. The Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 and related law; legislative, regulatory and rule changes are also covered. The site complements the printed version and contains the full-text of all issues from December 1993 onwards except the latest few months. A site search engine is available.

Directory of Decisions

The Directory of Decisions is made available by the Law Library at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. The Directory provides information on the various courts, tribunals, statutory authorities, ombudsmen, panels and commissioners who make legal or quasi-legal decisions. Records give information regarding the jurisdiction of the bodies, governing legislation and availability of decisions. There are also contact details, links to individual wesbites and full text decisions where available.

New Zealand Government

Website of the New Zealand Government portal which provides access to government and local government information and services. Links to government agencies and services are arranged alphabetically and by a range of subject headings which include business, education, employment, farming, housing, law, social welfare, sport and taxation. These subject headings provide links to documents, forms, legislation and statistics made available on different government websites.

Advertising Standards Authority Inc. New Zealand

The website of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) offers detailed information about self-regulatory principles and practice for the advertising industry in New Zealand. The site gives full-text access to "the Codes" as developed by the ASA, each code relating to a specific area of advertising activity. There is also a section on procedures to be followed when making a complaint to the Advertising Standards Complaints Board. Full text decisions made by the Board from 2000 onwards can be searched and browsed on the site.

New Zealand Privacy Commissioner

Website of the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner, an independent Crown entity established by the 1993 Privacy Act. The site provides information about the work of the Commissioner's Office and about the Privacy Act which is available (with amendments) in full-text in HTML. The site also has copies of annual reports, codes of practice and guidance for the public on making a complaint along with a selection of fact sheets issued by the Commissioner dealing with complaints he has investigated. There is also a collection of reports and submissions made by the Privacy Commissioner.

Auckland District Law Society

Website of the Auckland District Law Society (ADLS) the professional body representing barristers and solicitors practising in the Auckland area of New Zealand. There is background to the history, function and rules of the society (including the ADLS's regulatory role) along with information relating to the work of the various committees. A full text article provides an introduction to the New Zealand legal system. The site has a searchable directory of lawyers for the Auckland region and for New Zealand as a whole.

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