
Lex Mercatoria

A gateway to web resources for international commercial law, with some additional coverage of other areas of law and of information technology. The service is a collaborative project by the Law Faculty of the University of Tromso, Norway, the Institute of International Commercial Law at Pace University School of Law, US, and the Law Faculty of the University of Oslo, Norway. Lex Mercatoria presents links to conventions, model laws, rules, commentary and other documents available on the web.


Stortinget is the Norwegian Parliament. Its website is offered in English or Norwegian. The English version contains the text of the Norwegian Constitution, the parliamentary rules of procedure and information on the history, current functions and legislative procedures of the parliament. The Norwegian-language version offers more detailed information, including details of parliamentary documents and legislation since 1994 and parliamentary debates since 1996.

Den norske Helsingforskomite

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is a member of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and works to promote democracy and human rights within Europe. Its primary activites include the monitoring of parliamentary elections within the OSCE (Office for Security of Central Europe). The website includes the full-text of the Helsinki Committee's reports on parliamentary elections since 1995. These include reports from Albania, Romania, the former Yugoslavia and nations of the former Soviet Union. The text is available in Norwegian or English.

ARENA (Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation-State)

ARENA is a research programme focusing on developments in the governance of Europe. It is based at the University of Oslo. The website provides details of ARENA working papers from 1994 to the present, with links to the full text of many. Items published in the ARENA Reprint Series are listed without the full text. Information about the ARENA Report Series is also given, with some links to the full report. The site hosts the RECON Online Working Papers series on democracy in Europe; the full text of these is available. Details of seminars and other events are given.

Chr. Michelsen Institute

The Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) is an independent institute based in Bergen Norway. The CMI is engaged in research and advisory work in a broad set of development issues, using a variety of social science perspectives. Contains information about their research programmes and projects, staff, publications and upcoming events.

Legal Information in Norway, Written and Electronic Sources

An online research guide to Norwegian legal sources and legal literature written by Pal A. Bertnes at the Faculty of Law Library, University of Oslo. The guide is intended for English-speaking law students at Oslo University. It includes an introduction to the Norwegian legal system, finding primary and secondary legal sources, a guide to the law library at the University of Oslo, useful contacts in Norway and a bibliography. There is background information to the history of Norwegian law, the courts of justice and recommended introductory works on the legal system.

Portal service for online Norwegian legal information, created jointly by the Norwegian Bar Association, the Norwegian Association of Lawyers and the Centre for Continuing Legal Education (Juristenes Utdanningssenter). This is a freely accessible Norwegian language site offering links to online resources such as laws, regulations, case law, preparatory works, legal theory and the websites of government departments, law firms and societies. The site also publishes news and general information about courses, conferences, events and publications.

Supreme Court of Norway

Official website of the Norwegian Supreme Court (Høyesterett). The English version has an introduction to the Court, summaries of judgments from 2000 to the present and speeches given by Supreme Court justices. The Norwegian version of the site has full-text judgments from 2008 onwards, an outline of court procedures, news, articles and speeches. There is also a Sami version of the site.

Arctic Council

The Arctic Council is an intergovernmental forum - with indigenous representation - that fosters cooperation between the eight Arctic States: Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden, Canada, the United States and Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands). The website provides details of its institutions and projects and makes available publications, including international agreements, meeting documents, reports, strategy documents and the Council's founding instruments.

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