
Centre for the Study of European Labour Law

Website of the Centre for the Study of European Labour Law at the University of Catania, set up in 1996 by Massimo D’Antona. The focus of the Centre is European social integration, the labour market and social protection systems. The Centre makes available a Working Papers Collection covering EU social law and policy, labour law and industrial relations. The papers are brought together a series of online volumes, Biblioteca 20 Maggio, which can be browsed or searched back to 2003. The papers are mostly in Italian with some in English.

Corte Suprema di Cassazione

Website of the Italian Court of Cassation, providing information about the court and its administration. The ‘Servizio Online’ page gives links to Italian legislation, cases and other legal resources, including SentenzeWeb, a database of civil and criminal cases decided by the Court of Cassation in the last five years.  

DoGi – Dottrina Giuridica

DoGI is a free-to-use online index to Italian law journals, with abstracts. Started in 1970, it covers more than 750 titles. Each index entry has details of cases and legislation cited as well as key words and subject headings; if article is from an open access journal a link to the full text is given.  DoGI is a searchable database and can also be browsed by subject classification, author, journal title, code article and other criteria.

Equality Law in Europe: A New Generation

Equality Law in Europe is a legal research project by researchers at the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute. The aim of the project is to provide information about using European equality law, including details of how to make a claim to equal treatment. The project researchers have compiled a database of discrimination cases of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) decided between 1970-2018, which is available on its website. Cases are presented on an Excel spreadsheet and include the date, case number and party name.

Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura (CSM)

Website of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura (Superior Council of the Judiciary), a body established under the constitution to ensure the autonomy and independence of the Italian judiciary. The site has information on the composition of the CSM and the judicial councils along with an outline of the Italian judicial system. It provides relevant legislation, including the Constitution, as well as internal regulations and documentation from conferences and meetings.The site can be viewed in Italian only.

International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies

Website of the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS) an international network of scholars and experts in law and religion. The Consortium is based at the Faculty of Law at the University of Milan. ICLARS regularly organizes conferences and publishes a book series with Routledge. The website gives details of conferences and a list of related journals, books and web links.

Website monitoring the protection of fundamental rights in Europe, provided by the University of Bologna’s Interdepartmental centre for research in European Communities Law (CIRDCE), the Lelio and Lisli Basso Foundation and European Magistrates for Democracy and Freedoms (MEDEL). The site makes available a collection of journal articles, studies and other commentary, under ‘Comments’.

ATRIO: Archivio dei Trattati Internazionali Online

ATRIO (formerly 'ITRA') is a treaty database maintained by the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry. It contains information about Italian treaties in force and provides the full text of many treaties. For information about a particular treaty's place of signature, date in force and so on, click on ‘Vedi Dettaglio’ (‘See Details’). ATRIO is mostly in Italian, but some of the treaties are in English or other languages.

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

The EFSA is an independent European agency funded by the European Union. It is responsible for both food and feed safety, but is not responsible for EU food legislation. Scientific reports, consultation documents, annual reports and the EFSA Journal (an open-access scientific journal) are available on the EFSA website, together with news items. Policy topics can be browsed via an alphabetical list. The site is available in English, French, German and Italian.

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