
Supreme Court of Tasmania

Official website of the Supreme Court of Tasmania. The site has details of the judges and a history of the Court. Judgements are linked to on AustLII (Australasian Legal Information Institute) and sentences of the court, for the last month, are provided on the site. Unreported judgements pre-1985 are in the process of being added to the site in full text. There is guidance for people attending court and details of organisations providing legal advice.

Government of Tasmania

Website of the Tasmanian Government providing gateway access to Tasmanian government departments and services. These include links to the websites of the Premier, the Cabinet and the Tasmanian Parliament. There is general information about the state including tourism, news, maps and directories and sites focusing on business and investment. Government press releases can be searched or browsed and there is a comprehensive listing of Tasmanian government and community sites arranged by subject.

Supreme Court of Queensland Library

The Library at the Supreme Court of Queensland in Australia provides legal information to the Queensland courts, the legal profession, researchers and the public. The website gives details of the Libraryãs collections, services and online catalogue. Full text judgments from the Queensland courts and selected tribunals can be searched, browsed and downloaded from the site. There is a database of biographical profiles of current and former members of the Queensland judiciary which includes full text speeches made by the judges.

Vietnamese Legal Translations

Web page from Australian based law firm Allens which provides English translations of Vietnamese laws. This is a subscription service but a selection of Vietnamese laws translated into English are made freely available on the site.  Translations include laws on enterprises, investments, securities, cybersecurity, competition, bankruptcy, construction, land and the Labour Code.

Vietnamese Benchbook online

Online version of the Benchbook of the Supreme People's Court of Vietnam, provided by AsianLII (the Asian Legal Information Institute). Published in 2008, the Benchbook is a manual for judges and it includes guidance for dealing with different types of cases in court. The book is organised in five parts: the role and functions of the People's Courts, the judges and assessors; the procedure for the hearing of criminal cases; the procedure for resolving civil cases; procedures for resolving administrative cases and for dealing with bankruptcy.

NSW Caselaw

Judgments and decisions of New South Wales courts and tribunals, provided by the Department of Communities and Justice of New South Wales. Cases can be browsed by court, date or case name and there are basic and advanced search facilities.

Victorian Law Reform Commission

The Victorian Law Reform Commission  (VLRC) is an independent government-funded body that is responsible for law reform in Victoria, Australia. Its website provides law reform reports, consultation papers and other VLRC publications from 2001 onwards. There are also details of current and past projects, together with news and other information.

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