Natural Resources

Researching the Human Right to Water with an Annotated Bibliography

Online research guide focusing on the right to water written by Jootaek Lee who is assistant professor and librarian at Rutgers Law School (Newark). The guide was published in 2019 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex Website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives an introduction to the right to water and to the human rights principles and standards that this right originates from.

Environmental Law

This page describes the work of Environmental Law Programme (ELP) which forms part of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) a membership network of government and civil society organisations concerned with nature conservation. There is information on the various initiatives run by the ELP including the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL), the Environmental Law Centre (ELC) and the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law.


The LandWise website is hosted by Resource Equity, a non-profit organisation whose aim is to advance women's right to land and resources. The database brings together legal materials, including codes, constitutions and legislation, as well as reports and articles relating to women’s land rights. Content can be searched by keyword and filtered by language, jurisdiction or material type. The full text content can be downloaded or viewed on the original website. A selection of practice guides focusing on land and property rights in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda is also provided.

Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet of Solomon Islands

Official website for the Prime Minister and Cabinet of Solomon Islands, the site provides access to a variety of official information and news, including press releases, official statements, policy papers and government reports, mainly available through browsing although there is a small search facility on the site. Provides information about the operation and execution of the various different departments of the Prime Minister’s office, including the Cabinet Office, the communications unit and the policy division.

United Nations Environment Programme

UNEP was established as a programme of the United Nations General Assembly as a result of the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Its headquarters are in Nairobi and there are regional offices and specialised units around the world. This website at the Geneva Executive Centre describes the various conventions and treaties currently in force including the Basel Convention on Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure (hazardous chemicals), providing technical guidelines and downloadable documents.

Convention on Biological Diversity

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) website gives access to documents and databases on biodiversity along with background information on the Convention and a copy of the text. The Convention is a major international agreement on the protection of wildlife. It is the first global, comprehensive agreement to address all aspects of biological diversity including genetic resources, species, and ecosystems. There is information on parties to the Convention, related bodies and programmes.

Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea

The Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS) was established in 1984 at the Utrecht University. NILOS is a research institution involved with all issues related to the law of the sea, including conservation of marine natural resources. The site describes the activities of the Institute and its staff, outlining the program of work, research and training projects and consultancy services. Work concentrates particularly on the processes by which a new international law of the sea is formed and national responsibilities for regulation.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Legal Office

Official site for the Legal Office of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). The office provides legal advisory services to member nations, particularly in the areas of legislative and treaty drafting. The site lists member states with the date of membership, publishes news highlights from the office, details of print publications ordered via the site, and occasional papers in PDF format. A collection of basic FAO texts including the constitution, rules of procedure of committees and policy documents are also available.

International Trade in Agricultural Products: A Research Guide

Online research guide to international trade in agricultural products written by Lee Peoples who is Head of Reference Services at Oklahoma City University Law Library. The guide was published in the features section of in April 2004 and provides an introduction to key sources for researching international agricultural trade law. The guide has background information to international organisations and agreements and to relevant agencies of the United Nations.

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