Natural Resources

National Agricultural Law Center

The National Agricultural Law Center is based at the University of Arkansas School of Law in the United States. The Center conducts legal research, provides information facilities and publishes articles by leading agricultural law scholars. The site has a selection of 'Reading Rooms' which are resource guides to a range of agricultural law topics. Subjects covered include bankruptcy, cooperatives, federal crop insurance, farm credit and the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act.

International Water Law Project

The website of the International Water Law Project (IWLP) is produced by Gabriel Eckstein who is Professor of Law at the Texas Tech University School of Law in the United States. The site provides access to documents, case law, a bibliography, a list of water law experts and a page of web links to water related legal resources. Case law is compiled from the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice with some cases made available in full. World Water News gives summaries and links to full-text news stories relating to water issues going back to 2000.

International Water Law Bibliography

An online bibliography of international water law resources compiled by Gabriel Eckstein who is Professor of Law at the Texas Tech University School of Law in the United States and made freely available on his International Water Law Project website. The bibliography is divided up by subject including Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Latin America, pollution, ethics, groundwater and economics. There are also headings for United Nations and World Bank materials and for statistics.

International Environmental Law Research Centre

Website of the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC), a non-profit research organisation established in 1995 and based in Switzerland. The work of the IELRC focuses on international environmental legal issues. There is organisational information on the site and details of the IELRC's work which includes research, consultancy and teaching. Details are given of IELRC research programmes which cover biodiversity, climate change, human rights and intellectual property. Related articles are included as HTML or PDF documents.

International Wildlife Law Project

Website of the International Wildlife Law Project which was set up by the American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA) to conserve "endangered wildlife species by helping to strengthen international wildlife treaty regimes, regional accords and national legislation that implements international treaty regimes." This provides summaries of international treaties/conventions and introductory descriptions of ecotourism across the world.

Canadian Institute of Resources Law

Internet website providing general information about the Canadian Institute of Resource Law which was formed in 1979 by the University of Calgary to undertake and promote research in Canadian resource law and environmental issues. The website provides background details of the Institute's mandate, governance and management structure, with staff profiles and contacts list. Publications include reports, papers and conference proceedings, some of which are available in full text online.

Energy and Mineral Law Foundation

Website of the Energy and Mineral Law Foundation (EMLF) an educational organisation which promotes the study of law relating to energy and natural resources. EMLF membership is drawn from law firms, law schools, mineral companies and trade and professional associations supporting the mineral industry. The site provides a directory of members and details of educational events. The publications page has brief details of Annual Institutes of the Energy & Mineral Law Foundation and full-text documents can be purchased online. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

Water Laws

Water Laws is an online journal published by Smith Partners a Minnesota based law firm specialising in local government and water resources law. Water Laws is made freely available online and provides access to case law, legislation and comment on US (Minnesota in particular) water resources law and policy. Digests of recent decisions on water law from the Minnesota state courts and federal courts are arranged by subject. There are links to Minnesota state laws relating to water resources.


Fishlex is a database produced by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, an online version of the Coastal State Requirements for Foreign Fishing. It gives details of national legislation relating to foreign fishing in waters under national jurisdiction and of the participation of each country in relevant international agreements. Links to national legislation and international agreements are provided, where available. Fishlex can be searched by country, regional organisation or broad geographical area.


Gobal database of treaties, laws and regulations concerning food, agriculture and renewable natural resources, provided by the UN's Food and Agriculture OrganizatioN (FAO). Includes bibliographic information, abstracts and links to full-text documents. The site is in English, Arabic, French or Spanish and the data is in either the same languages or in the original language of the document.

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