Legal Education

Landmark Supreme Court cases

Collection of twenty US Supreme Court cases that feature on US high school and middle school social studies curriculums, accompanied by teaching materials. Developed by the Supreme Court Historical Society and Street Law, the site provides case summaries,  excerpts from the majority and dissenting opinions, newspaper and courtroom accounts of the cases, chronologies, links to related websites and a glossary.

New skills, new learning: legal education and the promise of new technology

Article published in 2007 by Gene Koo, a Fellow of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School. Covers survey of US lawyers by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and the LexisNexis Group focusing on technology skills required by lawyers that are not covered by the traditional law school curriculum. Covers the use of the internet for information gathering, technologies such as email and video conferencing, and automated knowledge management systems. The article can be downloaded from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN).

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