Legal Education

Hague Academy of International Law

Website of the Hague Academy of International Law, a centre for research and teaching in public and private international law, based at the Peace Palace in The Hague. The site gives background and historical information about the Academy including details of summer and external programmes being offered. The site lists the academics, practitioners and diplomats who are currently running courses at the Academy which does not have a permanent teaching staff. Details of past courses held at the Academy are compiled into a publication called the Collected Courses.

Insite Law magazine

Website of Insite Law magazine which is produced by Mike Semple Piggot and aimed at legal practitioners and students. The site offers podcasts of interviews with people working in different areas of the law and legal education. Recent podcasts have covered topics such as standards in UK universities, the rising costs of legal education and what is involved in doing a Ph.D. There are also interviews with the Chair of the UK Innocence Network Committee, Head of Legal at Liberty and the Director of Justice along with a series of podcasts focusing on the Bar and pupillage.

An innovative directory of academics and researchers which is being developed by a team headed by Dr Richard Price of All Souls College, Oxford. It intends to provide free access to a database of information about academic researchers and departments in colleges worldwide. Individual records include research interests and information on projects. It is possible to search by department or research interests. The site was launched in 2008 and relies heavily on self registration, therefore users should be aware that information may not be comprehensive.

Open Access Law Program

The Open Access Law Program is an initiative of Science Commons a publishing project promoting "free access to scholarly literature without undue copyright and licensing restrictions". The site provides access to a range of principles and agreements that authors and publishers can adopt. These include the Open Access Law Journal Principles, the Open Access Law Author Pledge and the Open Access Model Publishing Agreement.

How to read a legal opinion: a guide for new law students

Electronic article providing guidance on reading legal opinions written by Orin S. Kerr who is a Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School. The article was published in the Green Bag: an Entertaining Journal of Law in Autumn 2007 and is aimed at new law students in the United States. There are sections explaining what a judicial opinion is and looking at the caption, the case citation, who wrote the opinion, the facts of the case, the law of the case, concurring or dissenting opinions, common legal terms and types of disputes.

Exploring Humanitarian Law

Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) is an online education programme designed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Education Development Center Inc. (EDC). EHL is a free resource providing learning and teaching materials aimed at the 13 to 18 age group. The materials are organised into modules covering topics such as the humanitarian perspective, limits in armed conflict, the law in action, dealing with violations and responding to the consequences of armed conflict.

A little grafting of Second Life into a legal research class

Online article on the use of the Second Life virtual world in the teaching of legal research skills written by Rob Hudson who is Head of Information Services, Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center - Law Library & Technology Center in Florida. The article was published in May 2008 in the features section of The author describes the various ways in which he incorporated Second Life in the teaching of his International Legal Research Skills class.

Information Literacy Resource Bank

The Information Literacy Resource Bank (ILRB) is a repository of learning resources designed for Cardiff University teachers. It has tutorials, quizzes, demonstrations, diagrams and images that can be downloaded and incorporated into learning materials. Subjects such as search techniques, citing references, databases and plagiarism are included in the repository, with a number focusing specifically on law and legal materials. Learning objects can be browsed by type or subject.

International Law Book Facility

The International Law Book Facility (ILBF) is a UK-based charity which sends law books to the common law jurisdictions of Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. The site has guidance on donating books, including a list of preferred titles. There is also an application form for organisations and individuals who would like to receive books. The ILBF's newsletter is available on the site.

Justice Education Society

The Justice Education Society (JES) of British Columbia, Canada, conducts research, develops digital tools, gives training and provides information with the aim of strengthening justice systems and improving access to justice around the world. The JES website has information about the Society and its ongoing and completed projects.

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