
Bracton: De Legibus Et Consuetudinibus Angliae

On the Laws and Customs of England is a comprehensive work on English law, written in the 13th century by Henry of Bratton (Bracton) and others. This electronic version is a co-production of the Ames Foundation, the Harvard Law School Library, and the Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School. Latin and English versions can be viewed separately, or together in a split-screen display.

Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta

The Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA) is an electronic service that brings together people, information and educational resources on Canadian justice and legal issues. It is available in English and French, with a special section for Alberta. The site has links to official sources of Canadian legislative materials including statutes, bills and case law. It also offers a resource centre including educational materials for the classroom and access to legal newspapers, and other reference and publicly available information.

Legal 500

Online versions of Legalease's directories to the legal profession: Legal 500, Asia Pacific Legal 500 and the US Legal 500 and the Europe, Middle East and Africa Legal 500. The site lists legal practitioners and firms from all over the world, searchable by country and region. Overviews of the legal market in each country are given along with legal news and law firm news. There are articles on different specialisations within commercial law written by legal practitioners.

Society of Legal Scholars

Website of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS, a UK professional association aiming to advance legal education, which includes teaching in universities, legal research and the professional training of lawyers. The site provides organisational and membership information and details of conferences, events and SLS publications. There are web pages for the various subject sections giving details of each section's news, events and contact details. SLS newsletters are available going back to 2004 and position papers and consultation responses can be downloaded from the site.

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies

The Web pages for the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Faculty of Law in the University of Oxford. The journal is designed to encourage interest in all matters relating to law, with an emphasis on matters of theory and on broad issues arising from the relationship of law to other disciplines. The site provides the tables of contents and abstracts of journal articles. Instructions to authors, advertising rates, and subscription information are also available. There is a table of contents mailing list service.


A comprehensive US-centred site indexing and linking to online legal resources aimed at legal professionals and the public. The service is freely available on the internet. Legal information and links to resources for the public are arranged under the following broad headings: accidents and injuries; bankruptcy and debt; car accidents; civil rights; criminal law; dangerous products; family law; employee's rights; estate planning and probate; immigration law; intellectual property; real estate; small businesses and taxation. Information is broken down into further sub categories.

Hieros Gamos

Hieros Gamos is a comprehensive legal site providing access to United States law and to legal and government resources in 230 countries. There are directories of law firms worldwide and to many other US based legal professionals including experts and court reporters. Resources are organised thematically including sections dealing with legal careers, students, professional organisations, legal publications and the practice of law. The Law Business Center has links to information resources covering e-commerce, business finance and starting a business.

IALS Library

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies was founded in 1947 as part of the University of London, but with a national role. It promotes and facilitates advanced study and research in law for the benefit of persons and institutions in the UK and abroad. The Institute library has particular strengths in foreign, comparative and international law, reflected in the resources offered by the website. The site makes available the Library's online catalogue, information aimed at LLM students and a selection of legal research guides arranged by subject and jurisdiction.

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