
International Association of Law Libraries (IALL) and Other Law Library-Related Associations and International Conferences on Legal Information and Law Librarianship

Online annotated list of law library organisations compiled by Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law at D'Angelo Law Library, University of Chicago. Includes international library associations such as the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the International Association of Law Libraries (IALL), regional organisations such as the Caribbean Association of Law Libraries and national groups listed by country.

Law Society of British Columbia

The Law Society of British Columbia is the self-governing body for lawyers in the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC). The website has information about the structure and purpose of the Law Society and information for the public on various aspects of the law such as buying a house, divorce and separation and making a will. There is information on complaints and discipline including discipline reports and a hearings schedule.

Images of Justice

The Images of Justice website is produced by Canadian based artist Trevor Goring who has compiled a collection of pictures covering a range of legal subjects and portraits of lawyers. Most of the paintings are by Trevor Goring and are grouped by subject including women in law, pre-Christian law, antiquity and European law, justice USA and portraits in law. The paintings can also be browsed by title. There is information about the subject of each picture along with details of how to obtain prints, note cards or digital images.

Legal Term Dictionary

Online legal dictionary which is based on the 1856 Bouvier's Law Dictionary and made freely available on the LawGuru website. The dictionary contains over 6,500 legal terms which can be searched or browsed alphabetically. The site provides an online help facility and it is possible to access other parts of the LawGuru website from this page. LawGuru provides a range of legal resources (forms, directories, legal news) and is owned and operated by WebSiteBroker, Inc. a California Corporation. It provides an online community for lawyers.

Annual Survey of American Law

Website of the online legal journal Annual Survey of American Law which is a student edited journal of the New York University School of Law . The journal was established in 1942 and is concerned with "exploring contemporary legal developments in the United States". The link is to the current issue, but other recent issues back to 1999 are also available online. The journal organises and publishes proceedings from an annual symposium covering particular topics such as law and the media, church and the state, U.S. immigration and the future of public education.

Online Law Books

Website providing links to a collection of freely available online law books edited by John Mark Ockerbloom and hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Library. Each book listed has author and title details, the name of the website which holds the book and the format in which the book is made available. Other information includes related subject headings and a list of titles filed under related and broader terms. Most of the books are presented in HTML with a few made available as PDF documents. The site provides a page of links to software downloads for other formats.


Website of which provides online information for anyone wishing to follow a legal career in the United Kingdom. The information is made freely available by Globe Business Publishing Ltd in association with the Law Society. Background information is given to becoming a solicitor or barrister along with contact details for firms offering training contracts, vacation work or pupillages. Podcasts covering a range of training topics such as interview technique and working as a trainee are available on the site and a collection of law firms' brochures are available in PDF.

Issues in Legal Scholarship

Issues in Legal Scholarship is an online series of symposia which aims to provoke discussion and debate of seminal articles published in the field of legal scholarship. The website is part of the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) service which aims to offer a swift and streamlined publication process for authors, reviewers and readers in the field of legal publishing. The website includes aims and scope, subscription information, details of the editorial board, tables of contents and abstracts.

Global Jurist

Global Jurist is a continuously updated annual journal published by The Berkeley Electronic Press. It is a forum for scholarly cyber-debate on issues of comparative law, law and economics, international law, law and development, and legal anthropology. Its editors and authors come from around the world, enabling it to offer multi-national perspectives on global law issues. The website offers instructions for contributors, subscription information, contents and abstracts.

JURIST legal news and research

JURIST is a legal news site edited by Professor Bernard Hibbetts and hosted at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in the United States. The site is produced by staff and students at the law school and is aimed at the legal community with emphasis given to highlighting the latest legal developments, judicial decisions and primary source materials. There are sections focusing on United States, world news and an archive of news stories going back to 2003.

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