
United States House of Representatives

The website of the US House of Representatives includes schedules of debates and committee hearings, information about votes and current bills and a directory of Representatives. The full text of current and older bills can be accessed via links to the Library of Congress’s Thomas website. The United States Code, which is produced by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House, is also available, together with links to individual public laws (1995 to date and 1789 to 1875).

FindLaw Cases and Codes

Findlaw is a US website owned by Thomson Reuters. Its Cases and Codes section provides free access to federal case law, the US Constitution and the US Code (a compilation of federal laws in force). State constitutions, state case law and some state codes are also available, together with materials such as bills and city ordinances. The case law files typically go back to the 1990s, but the US Supreme Court opinions go back to 1893.

Wales legislation

The website brings together the legislation held on the OPSI website and revised legislation from the Statute Law Database. The site is hosted by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government. This part of the site provides access to Welsh legislation including Measures of the National Assembly for Wales (2008 onwards) and Wales Statutory Instruments (1999 onwards). These can be browsed or searched separately. Legislation which may apply to Wales such as UK Public General Acts and UK Statutory Instruments are also available.

Planning Inspectorate (Wales)

Website of the Planning Inspectorate for Wales. This organisation is responsible for the processing of planning and enforcement appeals and holding inquiries into local development plans. The site has information on how to make an appeal and sections dealing with the different types of appeals that can be made. These include planning appeals, high hedges appeals, listed buildings, rights of way, enforcement appeals and access appeals. Forms relating to planning appeals in Wales can be downloaded from the site and there is a page of planning web links.

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales is the organisation with responsibility for investigating complaints made by members of the public about the way they have been treated by a public body. The Ombudsman deals with complaints made about local government, National Health Service organisations - including GPs - housing associations and the Welsh Assembly Government. The website provides information about the role of the Ombudsman and includes details of the complaints procedure, investigation reports and annual reports.

Australian Government: The Treasury

Official website of the Australian Treasury the department with responsibility for the Government’s economic policy. The site has organisational information and profiles of ministers. There is information and documentation on the Treasury’s areas of responsibility including company law and corporate governance, economic issues, financial services, foreign investment and taxation. Publications made available on the website include press releases, speeches, consultation documents, working papers, policy documents and annual reports.

Australian Government: Department of Finance and Deregulation

Official website of the Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation whose areas of responsibility cover delivery of the Australian Government Budget, deregulation reform, financial management of public sector bodies and government procurement. The site has information on the structure of the Department and its Business Groups. Legislation administered by the Department is linked to on the site and there are policy and corporate documents and budgetary information available to view.

Rules of warfare, arms control

The Rules of warfare, arms control page forms part of the Multilaterals Project at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. The project provides the text of international treaties and conventions covering various subjects. This section has the Hague Conventions, the Geneva Conventions and other texts dealing with the laws of war.

Childwatch International Research Network

Childwatch International Research Network is a global network of organisations doing interdisciplinary research in the area of children’s rights. The Childwatch Secretariat is based at the University of Oslo in Norway. The website carries details of Childwatch’s projects and research work. Topics covered include child labour, children and children’s rights and child poverty. A selection of reports can be downloaded from the site.

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