Individual Jurisdictions

Government Gazettes Online

Global guide to government gazettes, official publications which typically contain legislation, government notices and other documents. The site is provided by the University of Michigan. For each country, it gives the title of the gazette, a description of the contents, the date range available on the web and the frequency of publication, with a link to the gazette's website.

Minority Rights Information System

Website of the Minority Rights Information System (MIRIS), hosted by the European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC), a research institute established in Italy in 1992. The database provides information on the implementation of minority rights in the member states of the Council of Europe and includes national legislation and case-law, international treaties and agreements of the UN, Council of Europe and the OSCE, case studies and specific documents on minority groups. Texts are made available in English and the official language of the state concerned.


The Religlaw website is maintained by the Brigham Young University International Center for Law and Religion Studies in Utah. There are links to religion and law news stories, guides to religious freedom and frameworks for law and religion in different jurisdictions.

Animal Legal and Historical Web Center

Website of the Animal Legal and Historical Web Center which is a project based at the Michigan State University - Detroit College of Law. The site provides free access to primary legal materials and guides to the law. US laws and cases are arranged by state or subject. Subjects covered include animal rights, dog fighting and exotic pets. There is also information on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The emphasis of the site is on U.S law but it includes legal materials from other countries such as the United Kingdom, Brazil, Malawi, Poland and Taiwan.

Disability Discrimination Laws Country Index

Online collection of disability discrimination laws from around the world made freely available on the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) Website. The site lists more than 50 countries who have enacted anti-discrimination laws relating to people with disabilities. Most of the laws are given in full but some entries have just the sections relevant to disability discrimination. Translations (sometimes in the form of summaries) are given for non-English materials along with a source for the translation. The site also provides a list of sources for the various laws.

Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance

Website of the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) a network of independent law firms with expertise in advertising, marketing and promotion law. The website gives access to GALA's members around the world providing contact details, URLs and profiles of the law firms. Some of the law firms provide in-house articles to download. There are also updates on the advertising and marketing law in each country and a page of legal news.


AccessToLaw is a collection of annotated legal links compiled by the Inner Temple Library and made freely available on their website. Resources linked to on the site cover United Kingdom law, Commonwealth countries and other jurisdictions, a selection of legal subjects and general resources. The section covering United Kingdom law includes links to sources of case law, legislation, local government and court information. The collection of broad subject headings includes banking, criminal law, employment law, human rights, international law, planning, property and taxation.

Legal Newsletters

Website of the International Law Office in London a company providing free access to a collection of free online legal newsletters. The newsletters can be browsed by law firm name, subject and jurisdiction or searched using keywords. Subject areas include banking, information technology, intellectual property, insurance, media, litigation and white collar crime. Most sections contain an overview of the subject with updates on more specific topics. Free registration is required to access the site.


LawMoose is a free online resource guide provided by Pritchard Law Webs, a commercial company providing legal firms with web services. The site has sections focusing on legal information for Minnesota, Wisconsin and a World Legal Resource Center. The Minnesota and Wisconsin sections include links to state law, courts, government sites, forms, lawyers and to general legal reference resources. The World Legal Resource Center can be browsed by country or searched by keyword and provides links to other resource guides.

Osgoode Hall Law Journal

Online version of the Osgoode Hall Law Journal, which is produced by Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Canada. First published in 1958, the journal is available on this website from 1994 onwards. It publishes scholarly articles on a range of legal topics relating to Canadian, international and comparative law. The website offers browsing by author, title or volume number and there is a basic search facility.

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