Individual Jurisdictions

Bodleian Law Library research guides

Collection of legal research guides compiled by staff at the Bodleian Law Library. There are guides covering about twenty-five different regions or jurisdictions, from Africa south of the Sahara to the United States. About thirty-five subject guides are also provided, covering a diverse range of topics, including ancient law, tax law, international law, jurisprudence and the law of obligations. There is also guidance on finding particular types of legal materials, such as treaties, legislation and official publications. 

Guide to Foreign and International Legal Citation

The Guide to Foreign and International Legal Citation is produced by New York University's Journal of International Law and Politics. The first edition (2006) is freely available on the NYU website. It includes chapters covering around 45 different countries, for each of which it gives an introduction to the legal system followed by a citation guide covering the constitution, legislation, jurisprudence, books, periodical articles, newspapers and weekly journals, official publications, unpublished materials, electronic materials and unwritten sources.

Global Legal Monitor

Online publication by the Law Library of Congress in the US, providing information on legal developments from around the world. Content can be filtered by jurisdiction and year and there is a search facility. Sources include press reports and official publications.

Conflict of

Conflict of is a private international law blog with contributions from scholars and practitioners around the world. The general editors are Associate Professor Jean Huang of the University of Sydney and  Prof. Dr. Tobias Lutzi of the University of Augsburg. A free email update service is available.

Isle of Man Judgments Online

Isle of Man Courts website, providing judgments handed down by the Isle of Man Courts of Justice. It has almost all judgments delivered from 2002 onwards and most of those delivered between 2000 and 2001. Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (Supreme Court of the Isle of Man) and relevant judgments of the European Court of Human Rights are also provided, under 'Other judgments'. Cases can be browsed by court or searched by keyword or case number. The Isle of Man is a self-governing Crown dependency which does not form part of the United Kingdom.

Japanese Law Translation

Website provided by the Japanese Ministry of Justice, offering unofficial English translations of Japanese legislation. Translated laws can be searched by title, keyword or number or browsed by subject or government department. The texts can be viewed with the Japanese and English versions side by side. The site also has a Japanese-English dictionary and links to Japanese government agencies and other law sites.

Migration Information Source

Migration Information Source is the online journal of the Migration Policy Institute, an independent think-tank based in Washington, DC. It covers migration, immigration, asylum and refugees and includes news, research, country profiles, statistics and information about US policy. Content can be browsed by date, region or type of material.

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