Human Rights

Iraq : Research Guide to Legal Documents, Legal News and International Law

Collection of links to online news stories, and other material, relating to legal issues in Iraq. Resources have been compiled by Vincent Moyer at the University of California, Hastings Law Library. Links to Iraq news stories come from sources around the world along with selected online articles discussing international legal issues in Iraq. There are links to information on inspections and sanctions, human rights issues, the treatment of prisoners and resources dealing with the law of war. Links to various document collections and related research websites are also provided.

Court Challenges Program of Canada

Website of the Court Challenges Program of Canada a non-profit organisation which helps to fund important court cases relating to language and equality rights under the Canadian Constitution. There is background information to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the role of the courts. Sections of the Charter and the Constitution relating to equality and language rights are highlighted on the site.

Human Rights Research and Education Centre

The Human Rights Research and Education Centre is an independent centre within the University of Ottawa in Canada. The site provides background information along with details of courses and research projects. The Virtual Human Rights Library has links to an extensive collection of Canadian and international human rights resources including databases, ejournals and newsletters. Annual reports of the Centre are provided in HTML along with copies of the Centre's e-bulletin and a collection of free online reports and articles. Parts of the site are password protected.

Australian Privacy Foundation

The Australian Privacy Foundation is a non-governmental organisation describing itself as the "primary association dedicated to protecting the privacy rights of Australians".The site has selected papers by the Foundation including articles, submissions and letters. These are available back to 1997 and apart from the older documents most can be viewed in full-text. Online resource guides provide access to privacy laws of Australian states and territories, to the Australian Commonwealth and to other countries.

Trade Justice Movement

Trade Justice Movement is a campaigning group which opposes the rules and regulations governing world trade and it critical of the World Trade Organization. It wants justice in trade, not "free trade". It is an umbrella group of organisations, including Christian Aid and the World Development Movement.

Cornell Death Penalty Project

The Cornell Death Penalty Project is based at the Cornell Law School in New York. The aim of the Project is to foster "scholarship related to the death penalty and its administration". The Project conducts research and sponsors a clinic enabling students to assist with the representation of capital defendants. The site includes details of clinic case studies and a list of articles on the death penalty written by faculty members. Links are given to the full articles which are made available on subscription services, Westlaw and Lexis Nexis.

Le Défenseur des droits

Website of the office of the Défenseur des droits, the Children's Ombudsman for France. The office was created by the French Parliament in March 2000, and its mission is to defend and promote children's rights in France. The site explains the role of the Défenseur. Reports and opinions of the Défenseur are available, together with summaries of relevant French laws and information about the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (with the text of the Convention, in French).


Justice is a law reform and human rights organisation based in the United Kingdom. Through independent research, briefings and interventions, the group seek to develop the law, influence public policy, and promote human rights standards in the civil, criminal and administrative justice systems in the UK. Its work covers human rights, discrimination, asylum, privacy and socio-economic rights. The website gives details of current and past areas of work and provides briefings, reports and other information. 

Coram Children's Legal Centre

The Coram Children's Legal Centre is a charitable organisation established in 1981 and based at the University of Essex. The Centre deals with law and policy issues affecting children and young people. The site provides information about the work of the Centre which includes legal advice, research and policy and campaign work. Annual indexes from the Centre's monthly journal, Childright appear on the site. There is a selection of FAQs on common legal issues, and links to other organisations providing services for young people.

Australian Human Rights Commission

Website of the Australian Human Rights Commission, a government body set up in 1986 to protect human rights and equal opportunities in Australia. The site describes the work of the Commission providing links to relevant legislation, details of its functions and powers and profiles of the Commissioners. Submissions on various issues to State Parliaments, Courts, Inquiries and the United Nations are made available in full text online.

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