Human Rights

Multilaterals Project

The Multilaterals Project, begun in 1992, is based at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA. It makes available the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments. The collection covers agreements in the fields of environmental law, human rights, commerce, war, arms control and other areas. Although the vast majority of texts date from the second half of the twentieth century, the site also provides historical texts, from the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia to the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Amnesty International

The webpage of Amnesty International (AI), an independent charitable organisation that plays a specific role in the international protection of human rights. The site has sections for campaigns, news releases, a complete listing of national and local AI groups, and the option to sign up for regular newsletters or RSS feeds. The Library gives access to a number of documents and reports, most available in full text online. There is also a special section for Media.

Global Fund for Women

The Global Fund for Women is "a nonprofit grantmaking foundation that advances women's human rights worldwide." It is "a network of women and men who believe that ensuring women's full equality and participation in society is one of the most effective ways to build a just, peaceful and sustainable world." It was established in 1987, and "makes grants to seed, strengthen and link women's rights groups based outside the United States working to address human rights issues".

Chr. Michelsen Institute

The Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) is an independent institute based in Bergen Norway. The CMI is engaged in research and advisory work in a broad set of development issues, using a variety of social science perspectives. Contains information about their research programmes and projects, staff, publications and upcoming events.

Network of Concerned Historians

The Network of Concerned Historians (NCH) was established in 1995 at Groningen University in the Netherlands with the aim of linking international human rights organizations campaigning for censored or persecuted historians with the worldwide community of historians. Its website has information on the history and activities of the NCH and links to documents dealing with general human rights issues, copyright, democracy, disappearances, freedom of opinion and expression, genocide, racism, repatriation and international humanitarian law.

National Human Rights Commission of Nepal

Website of the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal, an independent, autonomous statutory body established in 2000. Full-text reports, papers and speeches can be viewed on the site; other documentation includes press releases and news items contained in the Commission's e-bulletin. A copy of the Human Rights Commission Act, 2053 (1997) can also be viewed on the site. The site is in English and Nepali but some of the materials are available in Nepali only.

Legal Assistance Centre

Website of the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) which is based in Namibia and describes itself as a "public interest law centre that is committed to creating a human rights culture and promoting access to justice in Namibia". Work at the Centre includes litigation and advice, training, research and advocacy. There is information on LAC's project work which includes the AIDS Law Unit, Medical Negligence, Gender Research and Advocacy, the Human Rights and Constitutional Unit, the Child Justice Project and the Land, Environment and Development Project.

National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia

Website of the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM) an organisation concerned with the promotion and protection of human rights in Mongolia. The site has background information about the Commission including an organisation chart and details of commissioners, staff and international partners of the NHRCM. There is also information on the work and activities of the Commission which includes education, research and hearing complaints regarding human rights violations. Annual full text (PDF) reports on the state of human rights and freedoms in Mongolia are also made available.

Juvenile death penalty today: death sentences and executions for juvenile crimes January 1, 1973- February 28, 2005

Electronic version of a report on the juvenile death penalty in the United States written by Victor L. Streib who is Professor of Law at the Claude W. Pettit College of Law at the Ohio Northern University. The report is made freely available in full-text (PDF) on the Ohio Northern University Website. The report provides statistics, background, legal context and historical information. It looks at death sentences imposed throughout the 1973- 2003 period focusing on juvenile executions in the states of Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia.

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