European Union Law

UK in a Changing Europe

Website of the UK in a Changing Europe research initiative which is based at King’s College London and looks at key aspects of UK and EU dynamics. Research is focused on Brexit and covers a wide range of issues viewed from a legal, political and economic perspective. The site gives details of the various research projects being conducted including the effect of Brexit on UK residents in Europe, Brexit and Northern Ireland, health law outside the EU and the effect of Brexit on UK and EU immigrations policies.

Register of Commission Expert Groups and Other Similar Entities

Searchable directory cover the groups of experts and similar bodies that are involved in the preparation of EU policy initiatives, legislative proposals and delegated / implementing acts. There are basic and advanced search facilities and for each group the register gives basic details, documents and other information. The Register is provided by the European Commission. It is accompanied by a meeting schedule, news items and background information about the use of expert groups by the EU.


IPEX is an online platform for the exchange of information between the European Parliament and the parliaments of the EU member states. The IPEX website's Documents Database covers draft legislative proposals, consultation documents and other material from the national parliaments, the European Parliament, the European Commission and other bodies.

European Parliament Public Register of Documents

Online register of internal European Parliament (EP) documents. Though launched in June 2002, it covers documents from the around the late-1990s onwards. The Public Register is searchable by key word, author, document type, reference number and other criteria. Many of the documents are available in full; where this is not the case members of the public can apply for access via the Request a Document page. The Public Register website also provides the European Parliament’s annual reports and resolutions on public access to documents, from 2002 onwards.

Document Register

Online register of internal documents produced by the Council of the European Union, 1999 onwards. Covers minutes of meetings, preparatory legislative documents, agendas and other material. The Register is searchable by key word, subject, reference number and other criteria. Many of the documents are available in full; where this is not the case members of the public can apply for access via the Request a Document link at the bottom of the search page. The interface is available in all the EU languages, but not all the documents are in every language.

Register of Commission Documents

Online register of internal documents produced by the European Commission from 1 January 2001 onwards. The register is searchable by document reference, Commission department, title, document type and other criteria; key word searching is offered on a separate ‘Full text search’ tab. There is also browseable collection of minutes and agendas from Commission meetings. If a document is not available in full via the register, it is possible to submit a request for it. The Register is available in all the languages of the EU, but not all the documents are in every language.

Comitology Register

The Comitology Register monitors the procedure by which the European Commission makes implementing legislation with the help of committees of representatives from the member states. It can be used to track the progress of this legislation. The main register covers the period from April 2008 onwards, but there is a link to the ‘Old comitology register’ for information from 2003 to March 2008. There is a search facility for documents and another for committees.


BrexitLawNI is a collaborative research project between the law schools of Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University and the Committee on the Administration of Justice, a human rights organisation based in Belfast. The project is looking at the legal and constitutional elements of Brexit as they relate to Northern Ireland and background information is given for the key themes. These include the peace process, relations between the North and South of Ireland, border controls and free movement and equality and human rights issues.

Department for Exiting the European Union

Website of the UK government’s Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU), which has responsibility for overseeing negotiations to leave the EU and establishing the future relationship between the UK and EU. Government publications, including policy and consultation documents on Brexit, are available on the site along with press releases providing updates on negotiations and government statements.

Brexit Reading List: Legal and Constitutional Issues

Online bibliography on the legal and constitutional issues surrounding Brexit, compiled by the House of Commons Library, and made freely available online in PDF. There are sections covering the EU referendum, constitutional and legal issues surrounding UK withdrawal, the triggering of Article 50, the High Court Judgement on Miller v. Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, the role of parliament in triggering the process and in the negotiations, the possibility of a second referendum on a withdrawal agreement and issues concerning Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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