European Union Law

EUAA Case Law Database

This website provides access to the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA) Case Law Database which includes national case law relating to the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Cases issued by national and international courts (covering both the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights) are included and can be searched or browsed by date, country or topic. A case summary is given on the site along with a link to the original source. The site also contains EUAA publications and links to member states’ judicial institutions.

Procurement Lawyers’ Association

Website of the Procurement Lawyers’ Association (PLA), a membership organisation for lawyers working within the field of EU procurement law. The PLA organises working groups focusing on developing areas of procurement law. Completed project papers written by the working groups are available on the site, covering issues such as NHS procurement and conflicts of interest. Details of PLA events and related organisations are also given.

European Commission: Banking Union

This section of the European Commission website provides information on the Banking Union which was set up following the financial crisis to create a safer financial sector for the single market. The first two ‘pillars’ of the Banking Union are a single supervisory mechanism (SSM) and single resolution mechanism (SRM). These are explained on the site, and links are given to related documents and EU directives.

European Law Blog

The European Law Blog is written and edited by legal scholars and practitioners based in countries around Europe. Blog posts provide commentary on developments in EU case law, EU legislation and new legal literature. Posts can be browsed by topic or date. A list of other blogs on European law is also given.

Interinstitutional register of delegated acts

Online register tracking the progress of EU delegated acts (a type of subsidiary legislation) and providing access to associated documents. Users can search planned delegated acts to see which procedural stage has been reached and download associated documents, such as draft delegated acts, meeting agendas and meeting minutes; search results can be filtered by policy area, status and other criteria. A list of delegated acts is also available, together with a list of the legislative acts to which they relate; these can also be filtered.

Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)

BEREC is an EU body based in Latvia which is responsible for the regulation of electronic communications markets. Its website provides background information and news about its work. The Documents page makes available all publicly-available BEREC documentation, including decisions, recommendations, statements of best practice, opinions, reports and more; there is also a facility for requesting access to internal documents.The website has also has details of BEREC consultations and information about net neutrality. It is in English only.

European Committee of the Regions

The Committee of the Regions (COR) is the European Union’s assembly for representatives of regional and local authorities across the EU member states. It advises on new EU legislation concerning cities and regions. The COR website provides details of plenary sessions, a list of current members, a collection of studies published from 1999 onwards, information about current and closed consultations. There is also a link to the COR’s Electronic Document Register (under Engage – Resources – Access to Documents).

European Economic and Social Committee

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is an EU consultative body, representing social and economic interest groups. It issues opinions on draft EU legislation. The EESC website provides information about its plenary sessions and about meetings of its special-interest sections and groups and the Commission on Industrial Change. The Our Work section of the site makes available EESC opinions, studies, reports, position papers, plenary session summaries and other documents.

2018 Reform of EU Data Protection Rules

This page on the European Commission website provides information on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force in May 2018. The GDPR will establish one set of data protection rules for all companies operating in the EU and gives people more control over their personal data. There is information aimed at businesses and organisations on what they must do to comply with the new rules and a section aimed at the general public on how their personal data is protected.

EU General Data Protection Regulation

This website is provided by IT company Trunomi and is designed to provide information to the public on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force on 25th May 2018. The site gives an overview of the main changes to data protection law being introduced by the GDPR along with an outline of the European Union legislative process and the GDPR timeline. There are links to the full text regulation and to articles and comment on law firm websites.

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