European Union Law


Dec.Nat is a database of information about national courts' decisions relating to European Union law. Provided by the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, it covers more than 20,000 decisions, from 1959 to the present. Each record gives details of the court, parties, case references, subject and legislation considered, together with law report citations. The full text of the decision is not included. Dec.Nat. is available in English and French.

European Commission

The European Commission is the European Union’s executive institution. Its website provides links to a large amount of information about EU policies and legislation, together with EU news and details of the Commission’s organisational structure and work programme. The site is available in all the official languages of the EU.


The JURE (JUrisdiction Recognition Enforcement) is a database of case law developed by the European Commission. It is now part of EUR-Lex. It contains judgments of the European Court of Justice and the courts of Member States concerning the Brussels Convention (1968), the Lugano Convention (1988), the Brussels I Regulation (2000), the Brussels II Regulation (2000), the New Brussels II Regulation (2003) and the New Lugano Convention (2007). The judgments are in the original language, with summaries in English, French and German (and the original language, if available).

T.M.C. Asser Institute

Website describing the work and publishing information developed by the T.M.C. Asser Institute, an international legal research centre based at the Hague in the Netherlands, established as an interuniversity organisation. The website outlines the aims and activities of the Institute and presents information about its advice and consultancy services, education programme of seminars and lectures, research projects and cooperative ventures.

European Union Research

An online bibliographic reference and research guide prepared by Jeanne Rehberg, librarian at New York University Law Library responsible for the official depository for European Union documents. In addition to offering guidance on finding and using material in the Law Library, the author provides useful bibliographic details for print materials and identifies web-based resources relating to the EU. Particular issues covered by the guide include: national implementing measures; competition cases and merger decisions; and common foreign and security policy.


A free online directory providing information about the practice of law and work of the legal profession across Europe. The directory describes training requirements and activities for lawyers, bailiffs and notaries in European countries. Click on the country flag to access. Coverage includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.

Irish Referendum on the Treaty of Nice (2001)

Research paper by Vaughne Miller of the House of Commons Library, available on the UK Parliament website. Examines the Irish vote against the ratification of the EU's Treaty of Nice, which took place on 7th June 2001. Aspects considered include: the background to the referendum, the position of the Irish government, campaigns for and against the treaty and the implications of the no vote in Ireland and for Europe as a whole. The document is in PDF format.

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