Environmental Law


Gobal database of treaties, laws and regulations concerning food, agriculture and renewable natural resources, provided by the UN's Food and Agriculture OrganizatioN (FAO). Includes bibliographic information, abstracts and links to full-text documents. The site is in English, Arabic, French or Spanish and the data is in either the same languages or in the original language of the document.

Global Warming: a comparative guide to the EU and the US and their approaches to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol

Guide by Deborah Paulus-Jagric, Reference Librarian for Educational Services at New York University Law School Library, updated by Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Law Library Director and Associate Professor of Law at Northern Illinois University College of Law. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, the guide gives background and historical information on the Convention and Protocol, with references and links to printed and online material.

Environmental Law

Environmental Law, a journal produced by the students of Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon, is available online from volume 36 onwards, together with contents lists from earlier volumes. The related Ninth Circuit Review,  containing case summaries and court opinions from the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, can be accessed from the same website. 

Law, Environment and Development Journal

The Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD) is an open access peer-reviewed online journal  run by the School of Law of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London and the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC), an independent Swiss organisation. LEAD is aimed at academics, practitioners, students and policy-makers and is focused on environmental law in developing countries. The entire series is open access.

McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law

The McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law (formerly McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy) is an academic journal run by law students at McGill University in Canada. The website provides a selection of articles from the current and previous issues of the journal, together with a blog and a podcast. Links to related websites are also available, together with subscription and submission information.

Centre for International Sustainable Development Law

The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) is based at McGill University Faculty of Law, Montreal. CISDL carries out research into the international law of sustainable development as it relates to trade, investment and competition; natural resources; biodiversity; climate change; human rights and poverty; peace, justice and governance; and health. Its website explains its remit and gives details of its activities.

Sustainable Development Law (SDL) research guide

Online guide to Sustainable Development Law, written by Gary Yessin, Reference Librarian at Florida A&M University College of Law. The article was originally published in 2006 (and updated in 2024 by Charlotte Daugherty) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the NYU, School of Law. The author gives an introduction to the law relating to sustainable development and lists books on the subject. It also provides links to treaties, legal journals and research guides, along with a list of abbreviations.

A basic guide to international environmental legal research

Online guide to international environmental legal research written by Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, who is Director of the David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library. The guide was last updated in 2022 and is available on New York University's Globalex website. It covers commonly-used abbreviations, treaty research, finding national environmental laws, key online resources, international organizations, legal blogs and current awareness tools.

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