Environmental Law

Researching international marine environmental law

Online guide to international marine environmental law written by Arundhati Ashok Satkalmi who is Senior Research Librarian at the Rittenberg Law Library of St. John's University School of Law. The guide, last updated in 2016, is on the Globalex foreign and international law website, which is run by Hauser Global Law School at New York University. It provides details of printed and online sources of information.

Japanese environmental laws

Collection of online, environmental laws and regulations made freely available on the Japanese Ministry of the Environment website. The legislation is grouped under subject headings which include global environment, waste and recycling, environmental policy and air and transportation. The collection includes an outline of the Basic Environment Law. The majority of the laws are presented in HTML with a small number in PDF format. The site can be viewed in English or Japanese.

Planning and Environment Bar Association

Website of the Planning and Environment Bar Association (PEBA) whose members are barristers specialising in "planning, environment, compulsory purchase, highways, housing, rating and other aspects of local government and administrative law". The site gives information on the work of PEBA and includes a full-text (PDF) copy of the PEBA Handbook. Details of pro bono work carried out by PEBA members is also provided. Contact details for chambers and barristers who are members of PEBA can be searched or browsed on the site.

Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law

Website of the Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law, a joint project of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Law (EBL), the Faculty of the Sciences and the School of Law at the University of New England in Australia. The Centre carries out research and special projects for the Australian agricultural industries. Brief details of research projects are given on the site along with news stories relating to the Centre. Links are provided to PDF files of some of the Centre's publications and research papers written or co-authored by the Centre's staff and Research Associates.

Agricultural Law Association

Website of the Agricultural Law Association (ALA) a membership organisation for agricultural professionals including lawyers, surveyors, accountants, bankers and farm business consultants. The site provides information about the ALA along with information and links to the full-text of consultation papers and reports on topics of interest including agricultural tenancy reform and reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). There is a calendar of events, details of the ALA's quarterly Bulletin and a site search engine. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Directorate General for the Environment

Website of the European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment. The Directorate's main role is to develop and monitor the EU's environment policy. The Policies and Resources sections provide a large amount of information and documentation concerning the work of the D-G, in areas including climate change, land use, nature and biodiversity, sustainable development, waste and water. Materials provided include legislation, reports, conference papers, newsletters, speeches and statistics.

UCL Centre for Law and Environment

Website of the UCL Centre for Law and Environment which was established in 2001 and is based in the Faculty of Laws at University College London. The aim of the Centre is to "advance research and teaching and explore the role of law in meeting contemporary environmental challenges". The site gives information on the work of the Centre including courses, seminars and conferences. Details are given of members research activities including the Carbon Capture Legal Programme and the Satellites and the Law projects.


Linkages is provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), publishers of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin. 'It is designed to be an electronic clearing-house for information on past and upcoming international meetings related to environment and development policy.' Linkages offers access to several mailing list services, a regularly updated newsletter, as well as channelled views of key environemntal processes, e.g. sustainable development, trade and investment, and human development.

Linkages Update

Linkages Update is published online every fortnight and contains information about additions to the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Reporting Services'Linkages website. Content will focus on environmental news stories, updates on environmental negotiations, brief summaries of key environment and sustainable development meetings, an extensive list of upcoming meetings and a summary of recent notable academic literature. The site includes an archive of issues, dating back to 2002. Users may subscribe to the service and receive the latest Update by email.

Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum

Website of the Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum a scholarly journal published twice yearly by the Duke University School of Law in the United States. The journal includes in-depth articles and notes focusing on legal and policy issues relating to the environment. The most recent issue focuses on the environmental challenges facing President Obama including international climate negotiations, energy consumption and US climate policy and carbon sequestration from coal. Articles can be viewed in PDF and issues are available online back to 1996.

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