
Building Regulations

This part of the UK government website provides guidance on obtaining approval for building work. There is a link to the Building Regulations which promote standards for the construction and energy efficiency of buildings in England and Wales. There is a link to the Planning Portal site which gives guidance to planning rules and building regulations for the most common building work projects for the home including extensions and conservatories.

Public bodies publications

This collection, provided by the Cabinet Office brings together all documents relating to public bodies. This includes documents related to reform of public bodies, public bodies and guidance for departments. The reports provide data relating to each executive agency, non-departmental public body, and non-ministerial department. Includes annual editions of the annual publication (now ceased), Public Bodies, 1997 to 2015.

Department for Education

The main website for the UK Department of Education which was formed in May 2010. It provides free access to information on the organisation, work and recent activities of the Department. It includes online publications, statistics and reports covering all aspects of UK educational policy and the provision of children's services. Topics covered by these include pre-school education, primary education, secondary education, teaching and teachers .

Legislation.gov.uk: Church measures

This section of the Legislation.gov.uk website provides access to
Church measures- legislation relating to the administration and organisation of the Church of England. The site is hosted by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government and includes original and revised versions of legislation.
Selected legislation is provided for the period 1920 to 1987 and all church measures from 1988 onwards. These can be browsed by date or searched by keyword or date and viewed in full text.

Standards for England

Archived website of Standards for England (Standards Board for England), a non-departmental public body which was abolished in 2012. Standards for England was the strategic regulator with responsibility for promoting high standards of conduct amongst councillors and members of local public authorities in England. Its website includes reports of meetings and information on the Code of Conduct and local standards framework. Summaries of completed investigations can be browsed or searched on the site.

Housing Ombudsman Service

The Housing Ombudsman Service provides an independent service for dealing with complaints made against landlords and housing agents in England, including complaints against social landlords and housing associations. Its website provides information on the work of the Ombudsman and guidance on making a complaint. It also has a link to a selection of case digests and a register of social landlords in England.

English Law

Online research guide covering the English legal system and legal materials, by Goodson Law Library at Duke University in the United States. The guide is intended for American law students and those seeking an overview of English legal publications in print and online formats. 

Property Bar Association

Web pages for the professional association of barristers in England and Wales specialising in property law and property-related work. The site sets out the Association's objectives, presents a programme of events, meetings and seminars and publishes papers derived from past events. An alphabetical list of members is presented in PDF. The text of the Association's constitution is also published on the site in HTML format.

Association of Lawyers for Children

Web pages for an Association concerned with justice for children and young people within the legal system in England and Wales. The organisation draws its membership from a broad range of professionals involved in work relating to children, including solicitors, barristers, legal staff, psychiatrists, psychologists, paediatricians and social workers. The website explains the purpose and describes the work of the ALC. Information is given on the Association's committee, membership procedures and events.

Child and Family Court Advisory and Support Services for England and Wales

Official website for the Child and Family Court Advisory and Support Services for England and Wales. CAFCASS acts as a central co-ordinating body for groups of practitioners providing advice to courts on issues of child and family welfare. CAFCASS was established by the UK Criminal Justice and Courts Services Act 2000 as a non-departmental public body answering to the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families.

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