
Judicial System of England and Wales

Online guide to the Judicial System of England and Wales produced by the International Team of the Judicial Office. The guide is aimed at foreign visitors with an interest in the judiciary and legal system.
There are sections explaining the court system, the justice system, the role of judges in England and Wales. There is also information on organisations such as the Ministry of Justice and the Crown Prosecution Service. The guide can be downloaded in full in PDF.

UK Web Archive

The UK Web Archive aims to give permanent online access to key UK websites for future generations by preserving ‘snapshots’ of websites over time. The project is jointly provided by the British Library in partnership with the National Library of Wales, JISC and the Wellcome Library. It is possible to search the archive or to browse by category. The category titled ‘Government, Law and Politics’ includes the sub-categories ‘Law and Legal System’ and ‘Crime, Criminology, Police and Prisons.’

Young Legal Aid Lawyers

Young Legal Aid Lawyers (YLAL) is a group of lawyers who are committed to practising in the areas of criminal and civil law that have traditionally been publically funded. The website contains information about the groups objectives, the committee members and the work of sub-groups. Meeting minutes are available, as is a collection of articles, briefings, reports and consultation responses.


Search25 is a resource discovery tool provided by the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. The website enables users to search across the catalogues of over 60 library collections at once. It is free to search and users have the option to search by title, author, subject and ISBN. The website also includes a list of libraries that are members of the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries.

Costs Lawyer Standards Board

The Costs Lawyer Standards Board (CLSB) has been an approved regulator under the Legal Services Act 2007 since 31 October 2011. The website contains a register of costs lawyers authorised and regulated by the CLSB. It also makes available the Costs Lawyer Handbook, comprising of the Code of Conduct, Practising Rules, Disciplinary Rules and Procedures, CPD Rules, Training Rules and other regulatory information and guidance for costs lawyers. The website includes copies of the annual accounts of the CLSB, their business plan and board minutes.

CILEx Regulation

CILEx Regulation is the independent regulator of chartered legal executives, other members of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) and non-members who have practice rights in the legal sector. The website has separate sections giving information for consumers and lawyers. It also contains information on practice rights. The website makes available the CILEx Code of Conduct and CILEx Regulation codes. In addition, there is a directory of disciplinary records containing details of all disciplinary decisions made against CILEx (or previous ILEx) members.

18th Century Law Books

Collection of around 600 digitised eighteenth century treatises and pamphlets on English and Scottish law, part of the Hathi Trust Digital Library. The material can be browsed by subject, author, date, place of publication and other criteria, or searched by key word. The Hathi Trust is a partnership of research institutions and libraries working to establish a repository to archive and share their digitised collections.

Employment tribunal decisions

Database of recent employment tribunal decisions from England, Wales and Scotland. The database was launched in April 2017 and is on the UK Government website. Tribunal judgments can be searched by key word and filtered by date, jurisdiction and/or subject (the list of subjects is called ‘Jurisdiction code’). Email alerts are available regarding new or updated decisions.

Interfaith Legal Advisers Network

The Interfaith Legal Advisers Network (ILAN), based at Cardiff Law School's Centre for Law and religion, brings together lawyers and administrators to share their experience of relgious law and the administration of religious organisations and to discuss the interface between State law and religous law. The ILAN webpages include an extensive collection of links to laws and regulatory documents of the major religious groups in the UK.

Stamp duty and other tax on property

A comprehensive guide to stamp duty land tax (SDLT), available on the UK Government website. SDLT is payable on property sales and purchases above a certain value, depending on the property type and use. There is a full guide to SDLT, including how to pay it and when it applies, and forms regarding SDLT are also provided. The site also includes information on annual tax for enveloped dwellings, a different type of property tax applicable to residential dwellings.

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