Criminal Justice

Justice Project

Website of The Justice Project (TJP), a Washington-based independent campaigning organisation which seeks to foster fairness and accuracy in criminal cases. The Project's work is focused on reform of the death penalty. The site has information on the staff and work of the TJP. Current activities are focused on areas of the criminal justice system where mistakes could be eliminated.

Griffith University Innocence Project

Website of the Innocence Project at Griffith University in Australia. The aim of this pro-bono project is to bring lawyers, law students and academics together to help free innocent persons who have been wrongly convicted in Australia.The site has profiles of Board Members and gives details of programmes and courses offered by the Project. There are references to articles produced by staff on the Project some of which are given in full text.

Scottish Association for the Study of Offending

Website of the Scottish Association for the Study of Offending (SASO) a forum for "professional groups and individuals concerned with the issues raised by offending in Scotland". The site provides organisational details of the SASO Council, branches throughout Scotland, local conferences and membership information. There are full text (PDF) copies of the Associationãs journal the Scottish Journal of Criminal Justice Studies made freely available online back to 2003.

Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

The Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, established in 1987, is an interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Leeds. Resources that can be accessed from the site include annual reports and summaries of recent research papers. The site also provides a publications list, news and information about conferences and public seminars. In addition there is events information and an extensive list of links to related websites.


Website of VictimLaw an online information source on victims' rights in the United States provided by the National Center for Victims of Crime. The site provides access to a database of full text federal and state laws, tribal laws, constitutional amendments, court rules and court decisions relating to victimsã rights. The database uses a guided search facility where the user can search by topic (the nine core victims' rights), jurisdiction, keyword or citation.

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice section of the UK government website, covering courts, prisons, probation services, civil rights and related matters. Provides research reports and studies, rules and guidance, policy documents and statistics. Offers information to the general public about rights and the law, including legal advice and legal aid; consumer rights; data protection; disability rights; problems in the workplace; and residential property disputes. 

International Legal Foundation

Website of the International Legal Foundation (ILF), a US-based organisation concerned with the establishment of fair criminal justice systems in post-conflict countries. The site has background information about the ILF, details of current projects and a blog. The Resources section provides reports, factsheets, policy guidance and other ILF publications.

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