
Centre de Recherche en Droit Public

Website of the Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP) at the Faculty of Law at University of Montreal. Legal research at the CRDP is focused on Quebec law and government and the site provides background information, profiles of researchers and details of research projects being undertaken. Publications produced by the Centre are freely provided online either in full text or with bibliographic details. Copies of Lex Electronica, the CRDP journal, can be downloaded in full text (French only). The site can be viewed in French and English.

Commonwealth Legal Information Institute

The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute (CommonLII) is a cooperative legal information initiative led by AustLII (the Australasian Legal Information Institute) providing access to freely available legal materials from all Commonwealth countries. CommonLII contains over 400 databases providing case law, legislation, treaties and law reform reports from more than 50 Commonwealth and common law countries and territories.

Lawyers and Settlements

The Lawyers and Settlements website is provided by Canadian marketing company, Online Legal Marketing Ltd who specialise in advertising for lawyers and law firms. The site provides information and the latest news on personal injury and class action cases and settlements. Cases are categorised by subject including personal injury, defective products, dangerous drugs and stock fraud. The site provides a summary of the issue and details of possible cases, lawsuits filed and settlements achieved. Individual complaints can be submitted to subscribing lawyers on a contact form.

Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan

Website of the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan in Canada. This is a statutory body set up to review the law in Saskatchewan covering areas proposed by the Minister of Justice, the legal community and the public. Subjects currently under review include democracy, aboriginal peoples, human rights, families and children, vulnerable adults, communities and the environment, administrative law and procedure and technical legal issues. The site has copies of the Commission's publications including consultation papers and proposals for changes in legislation or new laws.

Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice

The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to improve the quality of justice in Canada. The CIAJ is based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Montreal and its activities include organising conferences and seminars, conducting research and producing publications. The site provides background information about the CIAJ including a brief history and details of the Board of Directors, members and staff.

Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada

Website of the Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs (OCFJA) the Canadian body whose role is to provide administrative support to the federal judiciary and safeguard its independence. The Commissioner is also responsible for the administration of federal judicial appointments and the site includes information and guidance on the appointments process. There is background information on the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal along with law reports which are made available in either full-text or digest form.

Canadian Marketing Association

The website of the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) is an online information resource that aims to provide information to the Canadian marketing industry on legislative matters in general and self-regulatory policies in particular. The site has a section linking to guidance in the areas of privacy, telemarketing, consumer protection and internet marketing. The CMA's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice is provided on the site in full-text.

Advertising Standards Canada

The website of Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) is an online information resource aimed at the advertising industry in Canada. Committed to advertising self-regulation by the industry, the ASC seeks to provide information for its members within the context of the ASC's Canadian Code of Advertising Standards. The site gives an overview of the organisation's mission and activities in this area. There is a section devoted to advertising standards, including procedures for submitting complaints for consumers and special interest groups.

Court Challenges Program of Canada

Website of the Court Challenges Program of Canada a non-profit organisation which helps to fund important court cases relating to language and equality rights under the Canadian Constitution. There is background information to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the role of the courts. Sections of the Charter and the Constitution relating to equality and language rights are highlighted on the site.

Canadian Forum on Civil Justice

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice is a non-profit organisation which aims to foster a fair, accessible and effective civil justice system. Its website has information about research programmes, including reports by the Forum's Action Committee. There is an inventory of civil justice reforms in Canada from 1950 onwards (with links to relevant documents), a blog, a bibliography (with links) called the 'Clearinghouse' and a newsletter. The site can be viewed in English or French.

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