
Law Commission of Canada

Website of the Law Commission of Canada, an independent federal agency set up in 1997 to advise Parliament on reforming the laws of Canada. The Commission lost its funding in 2006, but its website has been archived by Library and Archives Canada. Reports produced while the Commission was active are still available in the Resources section of the site, under the heading “Reading Room”. Information about the work of the Commission is also provided.

Government of Canada

Official website of the Canadian Government. Includes an alphabetical directory of federal government websites and a set of links to provincial and territorial government sites. The Publications and Reports page is a portal to Canadian government publications and information about them. The site is available in French or English.

Canadian Bar Association

Official website of the Canadian Bar Association, the professional organisation for all members of the legal profession in Canada. The site gives information about the CBA structure, meetings, annual conference and current initiatives. A list of interest groups represents the Association's involvement in a full range of legal subject areas. A list of Canadian Provinces links to separate site sections for the Provincial and Territorial branches of the CBA. In addition the site features a series of news headlines, with links to full-text news releases, papers and reports.

Researching Canadian law

A comprehensive research and resource guide for Canada, identifying and describing print, online and web sources of law and legal materials. The guide has been written by Ted Tjaden who is Director of Knowledge Management at McMillan Binch Mendelsohn LLP in Toronto . The guide was published in 2005 and updated in 2007 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The author offers an overview of the Canadian legal system and provides background information and sources of Canadian legislation and case law.

Uniform Law Conference of Canada

Website for the body responsible for promoting legislative review and harmonisation in Canadian statute law. The site offers a history of the Conference with texts of its constitution and by-laws, supported by a bibliography of books and journal articles commenting on its work. Contact details for the present Executive Committee and past presidents are provided. Proceedings of Annual Meetings are available from 1918 onwards when the Conference was created.

Indigenous Law Centre of Canada

Website of the Indigenous Law Centre of Canada (formerly the Native Law Centre) at the University of Saskatchewanan, which is dedicated to the study and development of indigenous law in Canada. The work of the Centre involves running educational programs, conducting research and developing publications with the aim of assisting in the formulation of policy and justice in the areas of Aboriginal rights in Canada and around the world.

Canadian Environmental Law Association

The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA consists of lawyers and researchers who have expertise in environmental law and policy and who campaign for better environmental law for Ontario and Canada. CELA's project areas cover access to justice, pollution and health, land use and water sustainability. There are online collections of materials focusing on particular subject areas including mining and renewable energy in Ontario. The site includes organisational information on CELA details of CELA's involvement in environmental litigation.

Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Directorate

Web page describing the law reform initiatives of Canada's Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Directorate (CILPD), which is responsible for reviewing Canada's business and insolvency laws, regulations and policies. The CILPD forms part of the Marketplace Framework Policy Branch of Industry Canada. The site publishes a number of consultation documents, questionnaires and background research documents on subjects such as bankruptcy and insolvency law, corporate not-for-profit law and Canada's law on cooperatives. A list of the legislation currently under review is published.

Canada Industrial Relations Board

Website for the Canada Industrial Relations Board, formed in 1999, and replacing the former Canada Labour Relations Board. The CIRB is an independent quasi-judicial tribunal responsible for the interpretation and administration of Part I (Industrial Relations) and certain provisions of Part II (Occupational Safety and Health) of the Canada Labour Code. The site is available in English and French, and includes a database of summaries of the Board's decisions passed to date in HTML format.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Website presenting the text of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, included on the official site of the Department of Justice Canada. The Charter is an important statement of human rights policy and is enacted as Schedule B to the Constitution Act 1982 (1982, c.79). In the UK, the Charter is Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (1982, c.11). The Charter is presented on the site in English and French language versions in HTML format.

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