
The Court

The Court is a student-edited blog providing commentary and case notes on recent cases at the Supreme Court of Canada. The blog is an initiative of the Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Canada. Students are able to post commentaries under the direction of a faculty member and anyone can post a response. Posts can be viewed by subject category, alphabetically by case name and by year. Other features of the site include an online bibliography of materials relating to the Canadian Supreme Court, statistics and links to Supreme Court and other related sites.

Canadian IT Law Association

Website of the Canadian IT Law Association (IT.Can), a professional organisation for Canadian information technology lawyers. IT.Can promotes the development and discussion of IT law through annual conferences, other events and production of a bi-monthly newsletter. Information on past and future conferences and training events and PDF copies of the newsletter are available on the site. Details are given of IT.Can committees dealing with privacy, e-commerce and outsourcing. There are documents and links relevant to outsourcing law and practice negotiations.

National Association of Women and the Law

Website of the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) a non-profit organisation established in 1974 to promote equality for women in Canada. The site has background information about the organisation, its aims and events. Research reports, briefs, open letters to government and press releases are provided in full text (PDF) on the site. These are focused on key issues of concern including women and the family, work and equality, social and economic rights, violence against women, immigration and refugee law and women's human rights.


Lexpert is a Thomson Carswell company based in Canada. Their website provides access to a range of journals and directories relating to the business of law. Publications include the Lexpert Magazine which focuses on legal business issues. This subscription journal has free extracts from articles available on the site. The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory is a directory of Canadian lawyers and law firms freely searchable on the site. The Lexpert US Guide offers full text articles and profiles of cross border lawyers.

Public Safety Canada

Website of Public Safety Canada the government department with responsibility for national security, emergency management, law enforcement, corrections, crime prevention and borders and all aspects of public safety in Canada. The work of the department is outlined on the site under the following headings: emergency management; national security; crime prevention; law enforcement policy and corrections policy. These sections are broken down into further subject areas and links are given to relevant legislation, guidance and official publications.

Justice Education Society

The Justice Education Society (JES) of British Columbia, Canada, conducts research, develops digital tools, gives training and provides information with the aim of strengthening justice systems and improving access to justice around the world. The JES website has information about the Society and its ongoing and completed projects.

Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History

The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History conducts research and promotes interest in the history of law and the legal profession in Canada. Its website has a list of officers and patrons of the Society and provides details of its publications and events. A podcast series about Canadian legal history, called Time Immemorial, is also available, and there are details of the Society's Oral History Programme, which since 1979 has recorded more than 700 interviews with legal professionals. 

Researching the legal aspects of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom

Guide to the legal materials relating to asylum seekers and refugees in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, written by Colin Fong, a senior visiting fellow at the University of New South Wales. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, the guide covers the relevant legislation and case law and gives an overview of other sources, including government reports, monographs, treaties, journal articles and indexes, news sources, relevant organisations and websites. References are given to printed works and there are links to online materials.

Canadian Superior Court Judges Association

Website of the Canadian Superior Court Judges Association (CSCJA), which represents judges of the superior courts and courts of appeal of federal Canada and the provinces and territories. Provides information about the Association and has a portal for members. Outlines the Canadian legal system for the general public and gives an overview of the role of the judge, how judges are selected and how they make decisions.

CSC Restorative Justice

Section of the Correctional Service of Canada's website providing background information on restorative justice and details of the CSC's restorative justice and dispute resolution services for victims and offenders. Includes research reports and other publications, together with links to restorative justice websites in Canada and elsewhere.

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