
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)

COMESA is an inter-governmental body encouraging economic cooperation between countries in East and South Africa. Member states include: Angola, Burundi, Comoros, D.R.Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Click on the Intstitutions link to find the COMESA Court of Justice.

International IDEA

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) is an intergovernmental organisation promoting the growth of democracy worldwide. It is based in Sweden and has offices in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The website has background information its work and details of databases, networks and publications. Sections of the site cover work in the areas of electoral processes, political parties, constitution building, democracy and gender, state of democracy and democracy and conflict.

Asian African Legal Consultative Organisation

The Asian African Legal Consultative Organisation (AALCO) is an advisory body on international law and a legal forum for African and Asian states. Based in India, it was established in 1956 under the name Asian Legal Consultative Committee. The website describes the constitution, aims and work of the Organisation. AALCO publications are available, including reports of its meetings, the AALCO Quarterly Bulletin and a number of essays on international law.

International Center for Transitional Justice

The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) is an organisation working with countries where there have been mass atrocities or abuses of human rights. The site outlines the Center's research, training and legal and policy analysis and makes available its reports, briefings and other publications. The organisation has initiatives in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.The site is in English, Spanish, French and Arabic.

African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights was established in 1986 to promote human rights in Africa. Its website provides information on its aims, history, membership and activities. It includes access to its full-text charters, legal documents and treaties relating to human rights law in Africa. Also accessible are resolutions, press releases, communiques and country reports. These cover all aspects of human rights and civil liberties.

Centre for Human Rights

Website of the Centre for Human Rights which is based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Pretoria. The Centre's activities are detailed on the site and include academic programmes, projects and publications focused on human rights law in Africa. Centre journals include Human Rights Law in Africa and the African Human Rights Law Journal. A comprehensive collection of global human rights documents and African human rights documents are provided along with constitutions and other human rights legislation of individual African countries.

International Trade in Agricultural Products: A Research Guide

Online research guide to international trade in agricultural products written by Lee Peoples who is Head of Reference Services at Oklahoma City University Law Library. The guide was published in the features section of in April 2004 and provides an introduction to key sources for researching international agricultural trade law. The guide has background information to international organisations and agreements and to relevant agencies of the United Nations.

African Journals OnLine

African Journals OnLine provides access to more than 800 journals published in Africa, including law titles, with many articles available free of charge. It was established as a project by the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications. Users can register for email alerts.

Land rights in Africa

The Land rights in Africa page forms part of the Oxfam website providing information and documentation on Oxfam's work relating to policy and land law in African countries. The aim of Oxfam and other NGOs is to help communities become more aware of their rights. There is a statement of Oxfam's principles relating to justice and equality, access to land and security of tenure. Working papers and discussion documents are arranged under the following headings: Africa general; West Africa; East Africa; Horn of Africa and Southern Africa.

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