Advertising Law

Hieros Gamos: Advertising Law

Online resource guide offering annotated links to websites in the field of advertising law and regulation. The links are organised into categories including United States, Europe, international, organisations relating to advertising law and links to publications, articles and lawyers covering advertising law.

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

Website of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) the regulatory body set up by the advertising industry to police the rules laid down in the advertising codes. The site gives details about the work and powers of the organisation including sections focused on consumers, advertisers, schools and colleges and new media. There are online copies of the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (CAP Code), the Radio Advertising Standards Code and the TV Advertising Standards Code.

Canadian Marketing Association

The website of the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) is an online information resource that aims to provide information to the Canadian marketing industry on legislative matters in general and self-regulatory policies in particular. The site has a section linking to guidance in the areas of privacy, telemarketing, consumer protection and internet marketing. The CMA's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice is provided on the site in full-text.

Advertising Standards Canada

The website of Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) is an online information resource aimed at the advertising industry in Canada. Committed to advertising self-regulation by the industry, the ASC seeks to provide information for its members within the context of the ASC's Canadian Code of Advertising Standards. The site gives an overview of the organisation's mission and activities in this area. There is a section devoted to advertising standards, including procedures for submitting complaints for consumers and special interest groups.

Dutch Advertising Code

The Dutch Advertising Code is available here on the website of the Dutch Advertising Code Authority. This publication provides information about the Advertising Code Committee's function, procedures and codes which regulate the Dutch advertising industry. Sub-sections include procedures in case of cross-border advertising, complaint handling, and decisions on a complaint, including appeal procedures. The second section of the document describes the body of rules and regulations as laid down in the code, by which all Dutch forms of advertising are bound.

Direct Selling Europe

Website of Direct Selling Europe an online information resource providing details of the organisation's aims and activities in the area of direct selling. European in scope, this trade association represents renowned direct selling companies and associations and is committed to promoting a legislative environment that aids the development and operations of its members. The site offers definitions of what direct selling is, and what it is not; typical companies and products in the industry and data on the numbers of people involved in direct selling.

European Advertising Standards Alliance

Website of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) a non-profit organisation based in Brussels bringing together national advertising self-regulatory organisations for the advertising industry in Europe. The organisation's membership comprises national advertising self-regulatory organisations and other associations within the industry who support self-regulation. The site includes information about self-regulation and a copy of the EASA Charter.


Ofcom is a UK official body created in December 2003 from five former telecommunications watchdogs and regulatory authorities- the Broadcasting Standards Commission, Independent Television Commission (ITC), Oftel (Office of Telecommunications), Radio Authority and Radiocommunications Agency. Its role is to regulate all aspects of the British telecommunications sector. This includes TV and radio broadcasting, digital media, mobile phones and land based telephones. The website provides information on the role of the body and its current activities.

Brennan Center for Justice

The Brennan Center for Justice is based at the New York University, School of Law. The Center was established in 1995 in honour of Supreme Court Justice William Brennan and carries out education, research and litigation in the areas of "democracy, poverty and criminal justice". There are details of programmes being run at the Brennan Center. Resources include a blog, commentary on current issues, a clearinghouse of Brennan Center court cases and litigation, e-alerts, press releases and publications.

Committee of Advertising Practice

Website of the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP), the advertising industry's body in charge of the UK advertising codes of practice. The Codes cover broadcast and non-broadcast advertising; they are available on the website, together with information and guidance about self regulation. Reports, consultation documents and newsletters are also available.

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