Justiz und NS-Verbrechen

Alternative title
Nazi crimes on trial

The site presents a systematic overview of the cases heard and sentences passed for Nazi Crimes both in East and West Germany. The content is taken from the printed series “Justiz und NS Verbrechen: Sammlung Deutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen” which began publication in 1945 and is still ongoing. The trials featured are the National Socialist homicidal trials. It is currently possible to browse using different entry points eg. defendants, victims or category of crime. The online project began in January 2012, is compiled and managed by the Institute of Criminal Law, The site presents a systematic overview of the cases heard and sentences passed for Nazi war crimes by courts in East and West Germany. The content is taken from the printed series “Justiz und NS Verbrechen: Sammlung Deutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen”, which began publication in 1945 and is still ongoing. The trials featured are the National Socialist homicidal trials. It is currently possible to browse using different entry points eg. defendants, victims or category of crime. The online project began in January 2012, is compiled and managed by the Institute of Criminal Law, University of Amsterdam and is still under development. It is available in German and English but the development of the English version is less advanced. It is possible to order copies of the judgments but these are only available in German. The site also features separate projects on the Dachau trials undertaken by US Army courts in 1945-1948 and on Dutch war crimes trials (Dutch trials currently available in German only).

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