war crimes

Center for Civil Liberties

The Center for Civil Liberties is a Ukrainian NGO established in 2007 to promote the protection of human rights in Ukraine. Its work includes documenting war crimes (part of the 'Tribunal for Putin' initiative) and campaigning for the release of political prisoners. The website provides information about the Center's aims and activities and help for victims of human rights abuses. There is a map of enforced disappearances in Ukraine, accompanied by instructions for the relatives of the disappeared.

Court Documentation and Education Department

Website of the Court Documentation Centre of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This provides selected decisions from Bosnia and Herzegovina courts and from the European Court of Human Rights for the Western Balkans. Other materials available include full text laws and codes and other legal publications of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is also a map showing war crimes that have been legally concluded in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

International Crimes Database (ICD)

ICD is a database of more than 600 international criminal law cases from international, hybrid and municipal courts, from 1946 to the present day. It is accompanied on the website by news, academic articles, working papers and other information. Each case record in the database includes a summary, the procedural history, a link to the judgment, references to commentary, lists of instruments cited, details of related cases and so on.

Justiz und NS-Verbrechen

The site presents a systematic overview of the cases heard and sentences passed for Nazi Crimes both in East and West Germany. The content is taken from the printed series “Justiz und NS Verbrechen: Sammlung Deutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen” which began publication in 1945 and is still ongoing. The trials featured are the National Socialist homicidal trials. It is currently possible to browse using different entry points eg. defendants, victims or category of crime.

International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property

This website provides access to national and other archival institutions with records relating to Nazi-Era cultural property The research portal has been compiled and made freely available online by the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Participating institutions include Bundesarchiv (The Federal Archives of Germany), UK National Archives, State Archives in Belgium, Commission for Looted Art in Europe (CLAE), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and France Diplomatie: Diplomatic Archive Center of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity- a digest of the case law of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Online (PDF) version of a report published by Human Rights Watch which provides a digest of judgements of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The digest is organised by subject including genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, individual responsibility, command responsibility and fair trial requirements and includes judgements available up to the end of 2008.

International Justice

Sub section of the website of the Global Policy Forum (GPF), focusing on the development of international law. The GPF is a non-governmental body founded in 1993 to monitor the global policy making of the United Nations. This section of its website collects together articles, analysis and news stories related to international justice, including introductory descriptions of key issues and institutions, under headings such as the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the Alien Tort Claims Act (of the United States).

Avalon Project : the International Military Tribunal for Germany: Contents of the Nuremberg trials collection

Presented as part of the Avalon Project at the Yale Law School, these web pages provide the documentation relating to the trial of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 1945-1946. The texts available on the site include motions, orders, rules of procedure, testimony, evidence reports, judgements and sentences, key documents relating to the proceedings and supporting documents. Users can select documents from the listing, or use a search engine to search by keyword.

Erasing history: ethnic cleansing in Kosovo (1999)

This site contains the full-text of a report released by the US Department of State in May 1999. It provides a chronology of the nature and extent of war crimes in the region after the departure of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission which had previously made regular human rights reports. Information available includes details of the extent of the atrocities, their location and type, covering such forms as detention, execution, rape and looting.

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