Guide to the U.S. Federal Legal System: Web-based Public Accessible Sources


An online research guide outlining the structure of the US federal legal system with reference to web based publicly accessible legal sources written by Gretchen Feltes, Reference Librarian/Faculty Services at the New York University School of Law Library. The guide was originally published in 2003 on (Law Library Resource Xchange), the free online web journal for legal information professionals. This version has been updated in 2021 and is now published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides an introduction to the US legal system looking at the structure of the Federal Government and Constitution. A detailed section on federal legislation provides references to sources tracking the legislative process. Additionally, the guide suggests sources relating to the judiciary, executive branch, administrative law and Presidential documents. References are also given to comprehensive federal law sites and tutorials.

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