federal law

Federal Bar Association

Official website of the Federal Bar Association (FBA), a professional organisation drawing membership from private lawyers, government lawyers and judges working in federal practice in the United States. The site provides the FBA's statements and letters to Congress and the Executive, together with Congressional testimony; it also covers the FBA's contributions to UN consultations. There is a judicial nomination tracker covering all federal courts. The site includes FBA publications, including Federal Lawyer magazine from 2007 onwards. There is a Members' area protected by a login.

Guide to the U.S. Federal Legal System: Web-based Public Accessible Sources

An online research guide outlining the structure of the US federal legal system with reference to web based publicly accessible legal sources written by Gretchen Feltes, Reference Librarian/Faculty Services at the New York University School of Law Library. The guide was originally published in 2003 on LLRX.com (Law Library Resource Xchange), the free online web journal for legal information professionals.

Law by source: federal

Online guide to federal law sources on the internet prepared by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law Library and made freely available on the web. Links are given to federal legal materials available on the Legal Information Institute's own site including the US Code and Supreme Court decisions and to the websites of executive, judicial and legislative federal government agencies.

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