Access to New Zealand Law


A free online research guide focusing on New Zealand law and legal materials written by Margaret Greville who is the Law Librarian at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. The guide was published in 2005 (and updated in 2014) on the Globalex Website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. Background information is given to the New Zealand Government and legal system along with sources of primary legal information including treaties, legislation and case law. Links are provided to web resources and bibliographic details are given for printed materials. There is also information on legal publishers, legal reference tools and a guide to sources covering specific legal subjects such as banking, criminal law, family law, intellectual property, maritime law, rights and freedoms and personal injury. This is an updated version of the guide published in 2002 on (Law Library Resource Xchange) the free online web journal for legal information professionals.

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