The BAILII Open Law Project is an initiative of the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) to create a database of important judgments. The project identifies older cases that are important for legal education and makes them available for free online. The cases are grouped under the following headings: civil procedure (Scotland); company law; conflict of laws (Scotland); constitutional law; contract law; contract law (Scotland); criminal law; criminal law (Scotland); delict (Scotland); employment law; English legal system; family law; family law (Scotland); human rights (ECHR); immigration and asylum; land law (Northern Ireland); landlord and tenant (Scotland); Northern Ireland legal system; property law; tax law; tort law; trust law. BAILII provides public access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland; it is hosted in the UK by the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and in Ireland by the Law Faculty, University of Cork.
BAILII Open Law - Leading Cases by Subject
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