Northern Ireland

Bar of Northern Ireland

Website of the Northern Ireland Bar the body representing and regulating barristers in the province. The site has information on what barristers do, professional standards and specialist bar associations. There is guidance on making a complaint against a barrister and a directory that can be searched by name or area of legal expertise.

Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland

Website of the Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland (LSANI), an executive agency within the Department of Justice, which has responsibility for the administration of legal aid in Northern Ireland. There is information about the work of LSANI and members of the LSANI Board and guidance on accessing legal aid aimed at the public. The section aimed at the legal profession provides legislation, Department of Justice Directions and LSANI guidance. There is also guidance on using the digital Legal Aid Management System (LAMS).

Judiciary NI

Official website of the Northern Ireland judiciary. The site lists members of the judiciary and provides information on the court structure in Northern Ireland. There are sections on the Judicial Studies Board which oversees training for judges and on legacy litigation and inquests arising out of the conflict in Northern Ireland. A database of full text court and tribunal decisions and directions can be browsed by type, date or judge or searched by keyword. Publications can also be viewed including sentencing guidelines, press releases and bench books.

Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive

The Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA) is hosted by Queen's University Belfast. The library at Queen’s is a depository for printed official publications and, since 2015, has focused on the creation of a digital archive of Northern Ireland official publications covering current and previous ministerial departments, independent bodies and other organisations. There’s a description of each department along with their associated agencies and a list of the publications collected. Full text documents are presented in PDF.

Northern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards

The Northern Ireland Local Government Commissioner for Standards investigates complaints that a councillor has failed to comply with the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors (which sets out the principles and rules of conduct which councillors must observe). The site has guidance aimed at the public on making a complaint and for councillors on the complaints procedure. Details of past and forthcoming Adjudication Hearings are given on the site along with decisions.

Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO)

The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) provides a complaints service for members of the public dealing with organisations including government departments and agencies, councils, public housing providers and Health and Social Care Trusts. There is guidance aimed at the public on making a complaint and NIPSO service standards and guidance for public authorities on handling complaints and issuing apologies. A selection of summaries of cases dealt with by NIPSO is given in the online Annual Reports dating from 2012-13.


BrexitLawNI is a collaborative research project between the law schools of Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University and the Committee on the Administration of Justice, a human rights organisation based in Belfast. The project is looking at the legal and constitutional elements of Brexit as they relate to Northern Ireland and background information is given for the key themes. These include the peace process, relations between the North and South of Ireland, border controls and free movement and equality and human rights issues.

Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland

The Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI) is the regulatory and professional body for pharmacists in Northern Ireland. Its website includes a searchable register of pharmacists, professional standards and guidance, annual reports, consultation documents and information about hearings. Five years’ worth of outcomes of disciplinary hearings are available, together with details of appeals and forthcoming disciplinary hearings

Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment

Website of the Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA). This regulatory organisation, set up in 1994, provides advice on and support on what is taught in schools and colleges in Northern Ireland and how it is assessed. The CCEA website contains information about the work of the organisation covering assessment of pupils at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 and accreditation and information on the exams offered including GCSE’s. A-level’s, BTECs and Key Skills.

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