Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland legislation

The website brings together the legislation held on the OPSI website and revised legislation from the Statute Law Database. The site is hosted by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government. This part of the site provides access to Northern Irish legislation including Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly (2000 onwards), Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament (1921 to 1972), Acts of the Old Irish Parliament (1495 to 1800) and Northern Ireland Statutory rules. These can be browsed or searched separately.

Bloody Sunday Inquiry

Bloody Sunday is the name commonly used to describe the incident on 30th January 1972 when a number of protesters were shot and killed by the RUC/armed forces in Northern Ireland. A re-investigation of the events was ordered by the British government in 1998. The Inquiry was chaired by Lord Saville. Its multi-volume report is available here on archived pages of the UK Government website.

General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland

Website of the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland the statutory and independent body for the teaching profession in Northern Ireland. The site provides background and organisational information about the Council and gives details of consultations and a page of related web links. The Code of Values and Professional Practice, information about professional competencies and other publications can be downloaded from the site.

Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland

Official website of the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland whose role is to regulate the process by which many of the public appointments in Northern Ireland are made. The site makes available the code of practice and details of the bodies regulated by the Commissioner. Recent annual reports, guidance and other documentation can be downloaded along with investigations and complaints dealt with by the Commissioner.

Care Tribunal

Website of the Care Tribunal for Northern Ireland which was established under the Health and Personal Social Services (Quality, Improvement and Regulation) (Northern Ireland) Order 2003. The Tribunal hears appeals against decisions relating to the regulation of residential care homes, nursing homes, children’s homes and nursing agencies. The site provides the names of the panel chairs and members and full text decisions of the Tribunal.

Insolvency Service

Website of the Northern Ireland Insolvency Service. The site provides information and guidance on the various issues dealt with by the Insolvency Service: bankruptcy; liquidation; partnerships and disqualification of directors. Full text insolvency legislation and downloadable forms are provided along with a searchable version of the Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) Register for Northern Ireland. There is guidance aimed at insolvency practitioners and a directory of insolvency practitioners in Northern Ireland.


NetRegs aims to provide practical assistance to managers of small or medium sized businesses in Scotland and Northern Ireland to help them comply with their environmental responsibilities. Produced jointly by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, it is designed specifically to help clarify and simplify the environmental legislation affecting manufacturing and service sector operations. The site provides guidance by environmental topic or business type. 

Law Society of Northern Ireland

Website for the Law Society of Northern Ireland the regulatory body for solicitors in Northern Ireland. The site provides organisational information about the Society with contact details for its Council and principal officers. There are downloadable issues of the Society's monthly journal,The Writ and High Court and Court of Appeal, Industrial Tribunal and Fair Employment decisions are provided in full text on the site. A selection of leaflets aimed at the public are provided covering a selection of legal issues such as making a will and buying and selling a house.

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