The World Anti-Doping Code is a worldwide standard for anti-doping regulations established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and is made freely available on their website. The code was originally designed in 2004 to harmonise rules and regulations regarding doping in sport across all countries and sports. Through the Copenhagen Declaration on Anti-Doping in Sport, Governments have indicated their readiness to adopt the code. The code was updated in January 2009; further details regarding revisions are available on the site. A PDF version of the code includes anti-doping rules and principles, international standards dealing with technical and operational areas and models of best practice. Further documents elaborate on the international standards which cover laboratories, testing, the prohibited list and therapeutic use exemptions. There is information explaining the World Anti-Doping Program and the different versions of the code and use of sanctions to enforce the Code. The website is also available in French.
World Anti-Doping Code
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