
Criminal Justice Policy Foundation

Website of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation (CJPF) a United States based charitable organisation whose aim is to "educate the public about the impact of drug policy and the problems of policing on the criminal justice system". The CJPF provides information to policy makers and criminal justice professionals through education programmes, conferences and publications. The site has sections covering drug policy, sentencing policy, clemency policy, police policy and crime policy.

World Anti-Doping Code

The World Anti-Doping Code is a worldwide standard for anti-doping regulations established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and is made freely available on their website. The code was originally designed in 2004 to harmonise rules and regulations regarding doping in sport across all countries and sports. Through the Copenhagen Declaration on Anti-Doping in Sport, Governments have indicated their readiness to adopt the code. The code was updated in January 2009; further details regarding revisions are available on the site.

FDAReview.org : A Project of the Independent Institute

This website is concerned with the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) and its control over the licensing of new drugs and devices. It has been written by two American academics associated with the Independent Institute, Dr D Klein and Dr A Tabarrok. The site contains an evaluation of the costs and benefits of FDA policy, a detailed history of the FDA, a review of the major plans for FDA reform, a glossary of terms, a collection of quotes from economists who have studied the FDA, and a bibliography.

Council of Europe: sport: reference texts

Collection of documents relating to sport, on the Council of Europe website. It includes the full text of the European Sports Charter (1992), CoE treaties, reports, recommendations and minutes of meetings. The subjects covered include doping, spectator violence, sports policy, ethics, sport promotion and political aspects of sport (including discrimination). The site is available in French and English.

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) "promotes and coordinates at institutional level the fight against doping in sport in all forms". WADA was established under the terms of the Lausanne Declaration on Doping in Sport which followed from the first World Conference on Doping in Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, on February 2-4, 1999. WADA monitors compliance with the worldwide standrad for anti-doping regulation - the World Anti-Doping Code. The website contains material on the development, acceptance and implementation of the world anti-doping code.

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