An online guide to finding and evaluating expert witnesses on the web written by Jim Robinson an attorney and president of JurisPro an expert witness marketing company. The guide was published in the features section of in October 2002. The guide deals with finding experts in the United States providing advice and information and links to useful websites. There is guidance to finding background information on the relevant subject area using library websites and catalogues. The article looks at sources used to locate experts including search engines, college and university websites and professional associations and covers the more specialist tools required to confirm that an expert is available for legal work. These include expert witness referral companies and online expert witness directories. There is also advice on checking the suitability of an expert using newspapers, journal articles, Usenet groups, litigation briefs, jury verdicts and reported decisions. (Law Library Resource Xchange) is a free online web journal for legal information professionals.
Finding and Researching Expert Witnesses on the Web
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