Resource guides and directories

Collection Development Policies and Other Basic Tools for Building A Foreign and International Law Collection

Guide to building a foreign and international law collection, by Barbara H. Garavaglia, Librarian Emerita and Former Director of the University of Michigan Law Library, and Seth Quidachay-Swan, Head of Collection Development and Access Services at the University of Michigan Law Library. Available on New York University's Globalex website, it covers the organisation of the foreign law section and of international and transnational material.

Global Warming: a comparative guide to the EU and the US and their approaches to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol

Guide by Deborah Paulus-Jagric, Reference Librarian for Educational Services at New York University Law School Library, updated by Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Law Library Director and Associate Professor of Law at Northern Illinois University College of Law. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, the guide gives background and historical information on the Convention and Protocol, with references and links to printed and online material.

Brief guide to select databases for Spanish-speaking jurisdictions

Guide to the major databases providing primary and secondary legal materials for the Spanish-speaking jurisdictions, written by Dennis Kim-Prieto, a reference librarian at the Rutgers School of Law in New Jersey. The guide was published in 2007 on New York University's Globalex website and updated in 2015 by Gloria Orrego Hoyos  It reviews and provides critical evaluations of the Spanish-language materials offered by commercial providers LexisNexis, vLex and Westlaw.

Guide to legal research in Nicaragua

Guide to researching the law of Nicaragua by academic and lawyer Magda Violeta Blandino, updated by Rodrigo Tabada Rodríguez and Ana Carolina Alvarez Gil. Published on New York University's Globalex website, it gives background information on the Constitution and constitutional law in Nicaragua; provides an overview of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government; and covers key sources of law including legislation, codes and treaties.

Bodleian Law Library research guides

Collection of legal research guides compiled by staff at the Bodleian Law Library. There are guides covering about twenty-five different regions or jurisdictions, from Africa south of the Sahara to the United States. About thirty-five subject guides are also provided, covering a diverse range of topics, including ancient law, tax law, international law, jurisprudence and the law of obligations. There is also guidance on finding particular types of legal materials, such as treaties, legislation and official publications. 

Cybercrime law

Website edited by international cybercrime expert and retired judge Stein Schjolberg. Provides cybercrime news up to 2018, together with a collection of papers on the subject from 2007 to 2014.

Guide to the Singapore legal system and legal research

Guide to the Singapore legal system by Chai Yee Xin, a research librarian from Singapore National University. Published on New York University's website and periodically updated, it describes the legal system of Singapore and provides information about Singaporean legislation, law reports and citations, with links to electronic legal materials. The author outlines the parliamentary system and the legislative process, including guidance on accessing official publications.

Researching Icelandic Law

Online guide to Icelandic law written by Rán Tryggvadóttir and Thordis Ingadóttir, Associate Professors at the Faculty of Law, Reykjavik University, updated by Erna Mathiesen. Published on New York University's Globalex website, it gives background information about Iceland, outlines the political system and describes the powers and functions of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. It looks at the major sources of law, including the Constitution, statutory law, regulatory law, customary and international law.

Guide to legal research in Honduras

Online guide to legal materials of Honduras written by José Miguel Álvarez and Jessica Ramos and updated by Honduran lawyer Eduardo Medrano. Published on New York  University's website and periodically updated, it gives historical, political and geographical information about Honduras and covers the Constitution, structure of government and sources of law. Includes links to government websites, legal associations, law schools and online sources of Honduran laws.

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