Papers reports articles texts

Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (The)

The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was adopted in 1987 and has been amended several times since. The Protocol followed the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (1985). It aimed to reduce and eventually eliminate the emissions of man-made ozone depleting substances. The Protocol is available here on the website of the UN Environment Programme, together with details of ratifications, the Handbook for the Montreal Protocol other information, in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese and Russian. 

Council of Europe (ETS No.126) - European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

The full-text of the Convention that "provides for the setting up of an international committee empowered to visit all places where persons are deprived of their liberty by a public authority. The committee, composed of independent experts, may make recommendations and suggest improvements in order to strengthen, if necessary, the protection of persons visited from torture and from inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

European Integration Online Papers

European Integration Online Papers (EIoP) is an ejournal published by the European Communities Studies Association, Austria (ECSA-A). It covers the historical, political, legal, economic and sociological aspects of European Integration. Past issues covered include: monetary policy, enlargement of the EU, governance of Europe, European constitution, single European Currency (Euro) and citizenship. The full text of each paper is provided in HTML or PDF. Papers from 1997 to 2005 can be browsed by subject- political science, law, economics or sociology- or searched by title or author.

GATT digital library: 1947-1994

The GATT Digital Library is a joint project of Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The library provides access to documents and information of and about the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) including reports, studies and meeting records. Documents can be browsed by issuing body or searched using a simple keyword search or advanced search option. Documents have bibliographic records and can be viewed in full-text (PDF).

HKU Scholars Hub: Theses

Online collection of theses and dissertations from Hong Kong University on all topics, including law. The collection can be browsed or searched by keyword, date, faculty or degree. For each thesis or dissertation, bibliographic details are given and there is a 'pdf download' link which requires you to submit your name and email address to request the full document. Most items in the collection focus on aspects of Chinese or Hong Kong law, and the majority are available in English.

Trial of Saddam Hussein: Law Library of Congress

This site was established by the Law Library of Congress to provide students with background information about the trial of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in 2005/6. It includes information about the historical background to the trial, the jurisdiction and organisation of the Tribunal and the legal process. There are links to further reading, treaties and legal documents relating to the trial and to other websites.

Duke Law Faculty Scholarship Repository

The Duke Law Faculty Scholarship Repository is an Open Access, freely available database of research literature produced by staff at the Duke Law School. The collection can be browsed by subject or year or searched using a simple or advanced search option which enables you to search a variety of field including author, title, keyword, subject eprint type or date. Materials include journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers and preprints. The records provide bibliographic details, an abstract and a link to the full-text in PDF.

RePub (EUR Repository)

RePub is the Erasmus University Digital Repository, an open access collection of research literature produced by staff and students at the University in Rotterdam. Categories within the School of Law collection include materials from the Center for Informatics and Law, the Erasmus Center for Law and Society and the Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics. There are also sections covering European law and private law and a collection of dissertations. The collection can be browsed by author, title or date or searched by keyword.

Juvenile death penalty today: death sentences and executions for juvenile crimes January 1, 1973- February 28, 2005

Electronic version of a report on the juvenile death penalty in the United States written by Victor L. Streib who is Professor of Law at the Claude W. Pettit College of Law at the Ohio Northern University. The report is made freely available in full-text (PDF) on the Ohio Northern University Website. The report provides statistics, background, legal context and historical information. It looks at death sentences imposed throughout the 1973- 2003 period focusing on juvenile executions in the states of Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia.

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