Other organisations


EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental organisation with more than 40 member states. Its website gives an overview of the organisation's role in Europe's air traffic management and safety strategies, covering both civil and military operations.


Ofgem is the UK regulatory body which is responsible for licensing and monitoring electricity and gas supplies in the British isles and ensuring competition in their markets. It was formed from the merger of the separate electricity and gas public utility regulators OfGas and OFFER. Its website provides infomation on energy industries in the UK, including information on pricing, safety, competition and the main suppliers. It includes access to news releases, full-text reports and consumer fact sheets relating to gas and electricity supply.

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is a committee of the Bank for International Settlements concerned with banking supervision issues. Members include officials from central banks who have responsibility for the supervision of banking business such as the Bank of England and the Financial Services Authority. The site provides access to publications of the BCBS including the Compendium of Basel Committee documents, a compilation of guidelines and standards set down by the Committee.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is involved in combating illicit drugs and international crime. The website describes its work, which encompasses areas such as the reform of criminal justice systems and prisons as well as fighting marine piracy, corruption, human trafficking, terrorism and money laundering. A database of national legislation on drug control, the Legal Library, can be found on the site, together with a collection of model laws and a page of treaties related to drugs, crime and terrorism.

Institute for the Study of Genocide

A website promoting the work of the Institute for the Study of Genocide. There is general information about the Institute and the issues they are involved with. The ISG newsletter is available online in full-text back to 2004. The site also carries a bibliography of basic genocide books, a list of genocide websites, the text of the UN Genocide Convention and social scientists' definitions of genocide.

Understanding Islam

Website of the organisation Understanding Islam which aims to explain the principles of Islam, provide background information and answers to questions and criticisms. The site includes questions and answers, articles and discussions arranged into subject headings such as social issues, political issues, penal law, sources of Islam and the Qur'an. Within these sections there are discussions of the law relating to marriage, divorce, children and inheritance citing the Qur'an and Sunnah (example set by the prophet Mohammed) as sources of Islamic law.

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and began operating on July 2, 1965. The website hosts a wealth of information about the EEOC including; information on its structure and history, details of its training programme, detailed legal guidance on job discrimination issues, a range of relevant statistics and a very useful index of EEOC press releases.

The British Safety Council

The British Safety Council is concerned with occupational health and safety. It works with companies in the UK and worldwide, to develop safe systems of work. The British Safety Council provides consultancy for the Health and Safety Executive and has campaigned for much UK health and safety legislation. The website has information about the organisation's many campaigns and details of training courses offered.


This is the website of FlygtningenÁvnet (The Refugee Board) which is described as being an "independent court-like body whose most important task is to process appeal cases after the Danish Immigration Service has refused to grant asylum in the first instance. The Board is not dependent on the political process and, hence, it is not subjected to Government or Parliamentary directives." The site includes a newsletter, information on the Refugee Board and its tasks, background material about the legal status of refugees, publications and links to other organisations working with refugees.

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