Other organisations

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is a body in the Inter-American system and an organ of the Organisation of American States (OAS) which promotes and protects human rights in the Americas. Its website provides information on the purpose, operation and activities of the IACHR. This includes access to the full-text of a number of documents produced by the body, including annual reports, reports on the human rights situation in specific, Latin South American or Central American nations and investigations into human rights violations within the region.

International Maritime Organization (IMO)

The International Maritime Organization was established in 1959 with the purpose of providing a forum for intergovernmental cooperation regarding shipping engaged in international trade. Its current areas of activity include: maritime safety, marine pollution, international trade, navigation techniques and technical matters effecting shipping. Its website offers a description of the history and purpose of the IMO and a list of its members. It also includes summaries of all the conventions and treaties adopted since its origin. Information on publications can also be accessed.

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

The IPU is an international organisation of parliaments of sovereign states which acts to promote parliamentary democracy and provides a forum for worldwide parliamentary dialogue. Its website is available in French or English and includes information on the structure, purpose and activities of the IPU. The full-text of recent press releases from the organisation and the text of resolutions are accessible. Also available online is PARLIT, the IPU's searchable database of bibliographic references to books and articles relevant to the study of parliamentary law and practise.

OutRight Action International

Founded in1990 to fill the gap between the international human rights movement and the gay rights movement, OutRight Action International (previously the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission) aims to advance the fundamental human rights of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people and people with HIV/AIDS. It combines traditional human rights techniques such as monitoring, documenting, advocating and public policy development with grassroots organising and supporting groups in developing countries.

International IDEA

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) is an intergovernmental organisation promoting the growth of democracy worldwide. It is based in Sweden and has offices in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The website has background information its work and details of databases, networks and publications. Sections of the site cover work in the areas of electoral processes, political parties, constitution building, democracy and gender, state of democracy and democracy and conflict.

Chatham House

Chatham House was founded in 1920 (as the Royal Institute of International Affairs) to stimulate debate and research on important developments in the international arena. Its website contains details about the Institute, its members, publications and recent events. Some documents can be viewed online, others are offered to subscribers only. All aspects of British foreign policy and international security are covered, including US foreign policy and the 'war against terrorism' and the Middle-East conflict.

Chr. Michelsen Institute

The Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) is an independent institute based in Bergen Norway. The CMI is engaged in research and advisory work in a broad set of development issues, using a variety of social science perspectives. Contains information about their research programmes and projects, staff, publications and upcoming events.

La Réforme de la Justice au Mali - Programme Décennal de Développement de la Justice

PRODEJ, Programme Décnnal de Dévloppement de la Justice, was set up in 1999 to promote access to justice in Mali and to improve confidence in the justice system, under the aegis of the Ministry of Justice of Mali. The site presents project documentation, including policy and planning documents, on legislative reform and modernisation and administration of justice. A collection of the legislation of Mali is included. Recent news bulletins are available along with a digest of Supreme Court cases from 1998 to 2007. The site is in French throughout.

Center for Law and Education

Website of the United States Center for Law and Education (CLE) an advocacy and support organisation whose aim is to improve educational outcomes, particularly for low-income students. The site gives background and historical information about the CLE and provides details of the Center's projects. These focus on the educational rights of disabled students, Community Action for Public Schools working to improve the quality of public education and a project aiming to improve the Title 1 program.

Kenya Human Rights Commission

The Kenya Human Rights Commission is a non-governmental body established in 1992 to monitor the state of democracy and human rights in Kenya. Its website provides information on the history, purpose and activities of the organisation. It includes access to recent press releases and details of programmes being undertaken. Topics covered include transitional justice, political corruption, the state of democracy in Kenya, human rights abuses and the conduct of elections and referendums.

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