Other organisations

International Migration Law

This page forms part of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) website. The IOM is part of the United Nations system supporting migrants across the world. This section explains IOM’s approach to migration law, has information on the rights-based approach to migration governance and gives details of IOM training programmes and research.

Searfarers' Rights International

Website of Seafarer’s Rights International (SRI) a pan-industry organisation researching maritime and seafarers’ law. SRI research covers all aspects of law relating to those who work at sea and those who operate vessels. Current projects focus on fair treatment initiatives, abandonment of seafarers and the Maritime Labour Convention. The SRI Legal Database provides free access to legislation, treaties and guidance and can be searched by keyword, country, language or date. There are also guides aimed at seafarers and lawyers covering abandonment, maritime liens and arrest of ships.

European Criminal Law Academic Network

The European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) is an organisation of researchers and academics from 32 countries specialising in EU criminal law. The aims of ECLAN include facilitating collaboration between universities and developing academic research and training in the field of EU criminal law. ECLAN organises conferences and summer schools details of which are given online. Details of publications are also given with a selection of reports and articles made freely available.

ECOWAS Community Court of Justice

Website of the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Community Court of Justice. The union was established by the Treaty of Lagos in 1975 and the Court was set up under the revised Treaty of 1991 (given on the site). Functions of the Court include determining human rights violations in member states, judging legality of laws adopted by ECOWAS and examining failure of member states to honour their obligations under ECOWAS law. Decisions are available in full back to 2015 along with annual reports, rules of procedure and practice directions.

Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa

The Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) is a non-governmental organisation working to “promote awareness of human rights in Africa and improve the effectiveness of the African Human Rights system”. The site has information on IHRDA’s work which includes representing victims of human rights violations, training human rights workers and providing information on the African human rights system. Details of IHRDA publications are given along with information about and links to the African Human Rights Case Law Analyser and the Sexual and Gender Based Violence databases.

Arab Labor Organization

The Arab Labor Organization (ALO) is a specialised organisation operating within the scope of the League of Arab States and representing all Arab countries. The ALO develops labour standards setting out basic principles and rights at work drawn up by governments, employers and workers in member states. These legal instruments are either conventions which are legally binding on the states which have ratified them or recommendations which are guidance only – all are available on the site in full text.

Costs Lawyer Standards Board

The Costs Lawyer Standards Board (CLSB) regulates cost lawyers within England and Wales. Its website details the role of a costs lawyer and provides documents including rules and regulations for costs lawyers, the costs lawyers' Code of Conduct, newsletters, guidance and policy documents. The site also has a searchable register of authorised costs lawyers.

Parking on Private Land Appeals

Parking on Private Land Appeals (POPLA) is an independent resolution service set up under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 which hears appeals from those who have been issued with parking charge notices in respect of vehicles parked on private land. The site has guidance on making an appeal and a selection of FAQs. POPLA annual reports and a page of links to related websites are also given.

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