Government bodies

Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales

The Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales (SENTW) considers appeals from parents of children, with special educational needs, against decisions of Welsh Local Authorities. The site has information on the make up of the Tribunal and its powers. Annual reports are provided back to 2003/4 containing statistical information about the type of appeals dealt with by the SENTW. A page of related web links is also given.

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales is the organisation with responsibility for investigating complaints made by members of the public about the way they have been treated by a public body. The Ombudsman deals with complaints made about local government, National Health Service organisations - including GPs - housing associations and the Welsh Assembly Government. The website provides information about the role of the Ombudsman and includes details of the complaints procedure, investigation reports and annual reports.

Australian Government: The Treasury

Official website of the Australian Treasury the department with responsibility for the Government’s economic policy. The site has organisational information and profiles of ministers. There is information and documentation on the Treasury’s areas of responsibility including company law and corporate governance, economic issues, financial services, foreign investment and taxation. Publications made available on the website include press releases, speeches, consultation documents, working papers, policy documents and annual reports.

Australian Government: Department of Finance and Deregulation

Official website of the Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation whose areas of responsibility cover delivery of the Australian Government Budget, deregulation reform, financial management of public sector bodies and government procurement. The site has information on the structure of the Department and its Business Groups. Legislation administered by the Department is linked to on the site and there are policy and corporate documents and budgetary information available to view.

Care Inspectorate Wales

Care Inspectorate Wales is the independent regulator of social care and childcare in Wales. Work involves registering and inspecting care services, responding to concerns raised about social care and ensuring services meet legislative and regulatory requirements. Inspection, annual and local authority reports are available on the site. Links are given to relevant legislation, regulations and guidance. There is also a searchable care services directory and a register of service providers.


The website of UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) contains information about the organisation and its activities and about the United Nations in general. Focus areas include child survival and development, education, HIV/aids and children, child protection and child health including immunisation. Information can be viewed by country including details of projects and appeals, statistics and news from the region. Publications on the site include annual reports, The State of the World’s Children (published annually) and the full-text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Law Commission of Sri Lanka

Official website of the Law Commission of Sri Lanka, a statutory body established in 1969 to keep Sri Lankan law under review by updating, modernising and simplifying legislation. The site gives details of the Commission's work programme and provides its reports from 2006 onwards, as well as making available the Law Commission Act 1969.

Judiciary of Scotland

The website of the Scottish Judiciary provides information on the roles and work of judges in Scotland and on the structure of the Scottish court system. It includes practical information for people attending court , a selection of decisions, sentencing statements and Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) determinations. Publications and responses to government consultations can also be viewed on the site.

WIPO Reference

Portal to the World Intellectual Property Organization's collections of intellectual property resources and information. From this page is is possible to search the following databases: PATENTSCOPE (national and international patent information); Brands (various trademark databases); classifications of patents, marks and designs; domain name dispute information; national laws and treaties on intellectual property of WIPO, WTO and UN Members; international registrations of industrial designs and the full text of WIPO standards, recommendations and guidelines.

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