Government bodies

Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs

Homepage of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Information is provided on Defra, its organisation, aims and activities. The Department's remit covers the environment, agriculture, food and farming, rural communities, countryside, national parks, wildlife and pets. Each of these areas has a section of the website where information and documentation is provided including legislation. The site can be searched by keyword and a collection of links to other useful and related websites is available.

Department for Education

The main website for the UK Department of Education which was formed in May 2010. It provides free access to information on the organisation, work and recent activities of the Department. It includes online publications, statistics and reports covering all aspects of UK educational policy and the provision of children's services. Topics covered by these include pre-school education, primary education, secondary education, teaching and teachers .

Cabinet Office

The Cabinet Office supports the work of the British prime minster, cabinet and civil service. The site provides information on how government works including the structure of government departments, parliamentary business and codes of conduct and ethics. Current key topics include transparency, national security, constitutional reform, big society and government efficiency and the site provides press releases and papers and reports on these issues. The website also explains the function, structure and activities of the department.

Commissioner for Public Appointments

The Commissioner for Public Appointments monitors and regulates government departmental procedures for ministerial appointments to public bodies. It acts to ensure independent scrutiny of proposed appointments, appointment on merit and openness of appointments. Its website contains information on the function and operation of the Commissioner, summaries of its recent reports, such as codes of practice for government appointments and basic statistics on the number and political affiliation of recent appointments to public bodies.

Department of Health

The UK Department of Health website contains the latest health news, links to local National Health Service (NHS) information, online advice about health (NHS Direct Online), and links to other websites. There are sections containing publications and statistics, health policy, procurement, and consultations.

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (DBEIS) is a UK government department formed in 2016 by a merger of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills with the Department for Energy and Climate Change. The DBEIS is the government department responsible for business, industry, science, innovation, energy and climate change. Its webiste provides press releases, policy papers, statements, statistics and other information on these subjects.

Adjudication Panel for Wales

Website of the Adjudication Panel for Wales an independent body established under Part III of the Local Government Act 2000. The role of the Adjudication Panel is to form tribunals to decide whether members of local authorities, police, fire and national park authorities in Wales have breached their statutory code of conduct. Details and decisions of previous tribunals are provided on the site along with annual reports and a list of Panel members.


GOV.UK is the official UK government website, replacing the Directgov and Business Link sites. Individual government departments' websites have all been (or will be) merged into GOV.UK. The site provides policy information and other departmental materials. There is an extensive Publications database, containing consultation documents, treaties, official guidance, annual reports, statistics and more. The site also includes information and online services for individuals and businesses, on a wide range of topics.

Communities and Local Government

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) was created in 2006 from the former Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM). Its website has sections for the following areas of departmental responsibility: housing; local government; communties and neighbourhoods; fire and emergencies; regeneration and economic growth; planning, building and the environment. Documents available on the site include consultation papers, research papers, reports, legislation, statistics and press releases.

Planning Appeals Commission

Official website of the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) of Northern Ireland. This independent appeals body hears appeals made against planning decisions taken by a number of government departments including the Department of the Environment (DoE), Department for Regional Development (DRD), Department for Social Development (DSD), Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) and the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM). The website gives full details of the functions of the PAC and information on how to appeal.

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