GOV.UK: Disabled people
This section of the UK Government website provides information for disabled people on the subjects of housing, employment, education, health, transport and equal rights under the Equality Act 2010.
This section of the UK Government website provides information for disabled people on the subjects of housing, employment, education, health, transport and equal rights under the Equality Act 2010.
Website of the Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA). This regulatory organisation, set up in 1994, provides advice on and support on what is taught in schools and colleges in Northern Ireland and how it is assessed. The CCEA website contains information about the work of the organisation covering assessment of pupils at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 and accreditation and information on the exams offered including GCSE’s. A-level’s, BTECs and Key Skills.
The Data Protection Register is available on the Information Commissioner’s website. The register contains the name and address of organisations that process personal information along with a general description of the kind of processing they do. The register is searchable by organisation name, registration number, address or postcode.
This part of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice website deals with data protection in the European Union. There is a guide to download outlining EU citizens’ rights regarding data protection and information relating to Directive 95/46/EC (the data protection Directive). The site also has EU legislation and case law, links to national legislation and to data protection regulatory bodies in EU and EFTA member states.
This part of the Council of Europe (CoE) website provides background and history on the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data. There is a compilation of CoE texts relating to data protection, details of national laws and links to recent judgements of the European Court of Human Rights.
Website of the independent Inspectorate for the Crown Prosecution Service (HMCPSI) whose purpose “is to enhance the quality of justice through independent inspection and assessment of prosecution services”. The site provides access to full text copies of inspections and other publications such as area reports, annual reports and policy documents.
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is the part of the criminal justice system which investigates serious fraud in the business and financial sector in the United Kingdom. Its website provides information on the purpose and structure of the organisation and sections of the site deal with fraud, bribery and corruption, victims and witnesses. There are recent press releases, its operational handbook and annual reports from 1996 onwards. The latter contain details of cases prosecuted and frauds under investigation.
Legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. The website’s Council Meetings pages provide information about legislative proceedings and make available bills, draft subsidiary legislation, ordinances, subsidiary legislation, legislative papers and parliamentary questions from the current and two previous sessions. A large set of older materials – going back to 1884 - may be found on the Records of the Legislature pages.
Website of Gibraltar’s Public Services Ombudsman, who deals with complaints about government departments and agencies. A few Special Reports (reports of cases where injustice has been found) are available on the site, together with the Ombudsman’s annual reports, which include case summaries. A description of the history and work of the Ombudsman is also provided.
Official website of the Turkish Ministry of Justice. The English-language version of the site includes translated legislation, including the Constitution and Penal Code. There is also information about the judicial system, administrative justice and links to courts and prisons.