Government bodies

Grondwettelijk Hof van België

Website of the Constitutional Court of Belgium (formerly the Belgian Court of Arbitration). The Court's jurisdiction includes "the review of laws, decrees and ordinances with Title II of the Constitution (Articles 8 to 32 on the rights and freedoms of the Belgians) and with Articles 170 and 172 (legality and equality of taxes) and 191 (protection of foreign nationals)", and derives its authority from the Belgian constitution.

Supreme Court of Korea

Website of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea which is based in Seoul and consists of a chief justice and 13 justices. The Supreme Court is the highest court in Korea and hears appeals from the High Courts and the appellate divisions of the District Court. The site provides profiles of the Chief Justice and the Justices and a brief history of the Korean judicial system. There is a description of the organisation and functions of Korea's 3 tiers of courts along with background information on judges and judicial administration.

Supreme Court of Canada

Official website of the Ottawa based Supreme Court of Canada. Information on the role of the court and background to the Canadian judicial system is provided along with an outline of the constitutional framework, organisation of the courts and judiciary. A history of the Court and profiles of the current and past chief justices and justices of the court are included. A timetable of hearings and searchable database of cases is given on the site.

Judiciary of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Website of the judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago. This site includes details about the Supreme Court and the Magistracy, including the administration of justice in Trinidad and Tobago, and the appointment of the judiciary. Also available are judgments of the Court of Appeal and the High Court back to 1997. The Law Library section of the site provides a database of case summaries from the 1990s onwards, many of which have links to the full judgment.


Website for the Bundesarbeitsgericht (Federal Labour Court), the highest federal court in Germany for cases concerning all aspects of employment law. The site is made freely available on the internet and includes background information on the history, organisation and structure of the court, together with details of the appointment of judges, lay members and research associates.

European Anti-Fraud Office

The European Anti-Fraud Office, OLAF, was set up in 1999 to ensure the correct use of EU funds and to combat fraud. It also works to prevent counterfeiting of the Euro. The website has links to anti-fraud agencies in EU member states and worldwide; reports; press release and YouTube videos. The site is available in all the official languages of the EU.

Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales

The Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales is the French general directorate of local authorities. It defines the rules for the operation and organisation of local authorities in France, distributes state funds to local authorities, and collects and disseminates local authority financial and statistical data. Its website offers a number of official documents relevant to local administration. The DGCL aims and objectives are available and an organisational chart. The site publishes maps and tables of statistical and financial data.

Secretariat-General of the European Commission

The function of the Secretariat-General (SG) is to support the work of the European Commission and its President. It oversees the correct application of EU laws and coordinates the activities of the Commission Directorates-General. The website includes information about the work of the European Commission, the integration of Bulgaria and Romania and relations between the Commission and other EU institutions.

President's Office of the Republic of the Maldives

This is the official website of the President of the Maldives. It includes some background information on the role of the president in the government of the region, plus a biography of the current incumbent. Users can also access recent press releass, policy documents, films and transcripts of some important speeches. These cover all aspects of the social, economic, political and foreign policy of the Maldives. Links are provided to other government websites.

Civil Law Reform Division

Website of the Civil Law Reform Division (CLRD) of the Department of Finance and Personnel in Northern Ireland. This department is responsible for civil law reform in the areas of private family law, trusts and property law, tort, contract law and private international law. The site provides details of current projects, online versions of consultation papers and reports downloadable in PDF, links to related documents such as legislation and a page of related web links.

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